Page 392 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 392

374  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

   covered by a rostral skin fold. This contains striated
                     muscle that enables the fold to be moved to assist with
                     localisation of sound. Examination of the auditory
                     aperture is an important component of ophthalmic
                     examination in birds.
                       The external acoustic meatus (meatus acusticus
                     externus) lies caudal to the quadrate bone. It is approxi-
                     mately 4–7 mm long.
                       A small mound in the ventral wall contains an open-
                     ing for the underlying auricular glands (glandulae
                     auriculares). The opening of the duct draining these
                     glands can be visualised under magnification.
                       The tympanic membrane bulges slightly into the
                     external ear canal. In the chicken it is 0.012 mm thick
                     with a surface area of approximately 25 mm . The
                     tympanic membrane is attached to the surrounding
                     bone and its margins are reinforced by elastic fibres.
                     Rostroventrally it incorporates a small, air-filled cav-  16.37  Middle and inner ear in situ within petrous tem-
                     ity, the sinus pneumaticus marginalis. The tympanic   poral bone (pig). Haematoxylin and eosin stain (x16).
                     membrane is tensed by the m. columellae. This mus-
                     cle is equivalent to the m. stapedius in mammals and   The guttural pouch of the horse is lined by ciliated
                     is innervated by the facial nerve. The internal surface   pseudostratified epithelium with goblet cells. The lamina
                     of the tympanic membrane is attached to the cartilagi-  propria contains bundles of elastic fibres, smooth muscle
                     nous processes of the columella.             cells and glands. A loose, displaceable tunica adventitia
                                                                  lines the external surface.

                   Middle ear (auris media)                         Species variation
                   The components of the middle ear include the tympanic   Birds: The middle ear contains the air-filled tympanic
                   cavity, the auditory ossicles and the auditory tube. In the   cavity (cavitas tympanica), which is connected to the
                   horse, each auditory tube has a large expanded portion,   oropharynx by the auditory tube (tuba auditiva) via the
                   the guttural pouch.                              infundibular cleft. The auditory tube is approximately 6
                      The tympanic cavity lies within the petrous temporal   mm long in the chicken. A single auditory ossicle, the
                   bone. It is lined by simple squamous epithelium. This epi-  columella, spans the tympanic cavity. Three flexibly
                   thelial lining covers the ossicles, the tympanic membrane and   interconnected cartilaginous extra-columellar processes
                   the vestibular window (Figure 16.37). At the opening of the   project from the columella to the tympanic membrane as
                   auditory tube, and throughout this passage, the epithelium   the cartilago extracolumellaris. Resembling a tripod, the
                   is ciliated pseudostratified. In the sheep and carnivore, mixed   cartilago extracolumellaris is positioned caudally, ventrally
                   glands are scattered throughout the lamina propria. The con-  and rostrally against the tympanic membrane. The shaft
                   nective tissue contains abundant capillaries and nerves.  of the columella (scapus columellae) expands proximally
                      The auditory ossicles (malleolus, incus and stapes)   to form the basis columellae, which closes the vestibular
                   develop through endochondral ossification into lamellar bone   window (Figure 16.45). Lateral to the opening of the
                   in which cartilage remnants may be present. Articulations   auditory tube, the tympanic cavity houses a small, curved
                   are present between the bones. The ossicles are covered with   vesicular structure, the organum paratympanicum.
                   simple squamous epithelium. The striated m. tensor tympani   Lying parallel to the longitudinal axis of the head, the
                   and m. stapedius regulate the tension of the tympanic mem-  organum paratympanicum contains ciliated sensory cells
                   brane and modify the movement of the ossicles.   and is presumed to register changes in air pressure. The
                      The narrow  auditory tube  connects the tympanic   left and right tympanic cavities are connected by air-filled
                   cavity with the pharynx. Its ciliated pseudostratified epi-  spaces. In birds, the vestibular window is located imme-
                   thelium contains goblet cells. The epithelium rests upon   diately adjacent to the cochlear window. Pressure from
                   connective tissue containing collagen and elastic fibres,   sound waves striking the tympanic membrane is transmit-
                   and numerous lymphatic cells. In ungulates, a tubal ton-  ted by the base of the columella to the perilymph within
                   sil is present near the ostium pharyngicum. Initially the   the inner ear. Compression of the perilymph results in
                   auditory tube is surrounded by a short bony collar. This   bulging of the secondary tympanic membrane (mem-
                   transforms into a cartilaginous tube.            brana tympanica secundaria) at the cochlear window.

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