Page 87 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 87

Connective and supportive tissues (textus connectivus)  69

                                                                 cally active permeable barrier that regulates extracellular                                               transport of water-soluble molecules. The hydrophilic
                                                                 properties of glycosaminoglycans also allow the fluid con-
                                                                 tent of the connective tissue to be increased or decreased.
                                                                 Connective tissue therefore also serves as a water reservoir
                                                                    Structural glycoproteins are composed of conjugated
                                                                 proteins bound covalently with carbohydrates (monosac-
                                                                 charides). These occur in tendons, cartilage, bone, vessel
                                                                 walls and basal laminae. They are involved in the regula-
                                                                 tion of connective tissue regeneration and calcification.

                                                                 Types of connective tissue
                                                                 Common to most types of connective tissue is their
                                                                 derivation from the mesoderm. Definitive classification
                                                                 of the different types of connective tissue is difficult, as
                                                                 they vary greatly and often manifest in transitional forms.
                                                                 Nevertheless, connective tissue is conventionally catego-
                  3.11  Collagen fibre bundles (longitudinal and trans-  rised as:
                  verse section) with enclosed elastic fibre (x6000).
                                                                   ·  embryonic connective tissue:
                                                                        − mesenchymal connective tissue,
                  Ground substance                                      − mucous (or gelatinous) connective tissue,
                  The cells and fibres of connective and supportive tissues   ·  specialised connective tissue:
                  are embedded in a viscous, amorphous ground substance.     − lymphoreticular connective tissue (lymphatic
                  The nature of the ground substance contributes to the   tissue),
                  characteristics of the tissue (e.g. the suppleness of con-    − haemoreticular connective tissue (haemopoietic
                  nective  tissue  proper,  the  pliant  yet  pressure-resistant   tissue),
                  nature of cartilage or the mechanical strength of bone).     − adipose tissue,
                  All substances passing between the lumen of capillaries   ·  connective tissue proper:
                  and the target organs of the body, be they solids, liq-    − loose connective tissue (low fibre content) and
                  uids or gases, must traverse the ground substance of the       − dense connective tissue (high fibre content)
                  connective tissue.                                   (Figure 3.12).
                     Biochemically, ground substance is composed of
                  polyanionic proteoglycans and structural glycoproteins.  Embryonic connective tissue
                  Proteoglycans contain a considerably greater propor-  (textus connectivus embryonalis)
                  tion of carbohydrate than protein. They contain linear  In the embryo, the mesoderm gives rise to mesenchymal
                  (unbranched) chains of disaccharide units comprising one  and mucous connective tissue. Embryonic connective
                  of two acetylated sugars (glucosamine and galactosamine)  tissue consists of relatively poorly differentiated, widely
                  and a uronic acid. Based on their high content of uronate  spaced cells and gel-like ground substance.
                  and sulfate esters, these molecules are referred to as acid   The cells of mesenchymal connective tissue (mesen-
                  mucopolysaccharides, or glycosaminoglycans.    chymal cells) are predominantly stellate to polymorphous
                     Glycosaminoglycans vary considerably in both their  (7–10 μm) with long processes that form a three-dimen-
                  sulfate content and degree of acetylation. Consequently,   sional network (Figures 3.13 and 3.14). The nucleus is
                  there are various types (e.g. chondroitin sulfate, dermatan  relatively large and heterochromatic. Cell division is com-
                  sulfate, keratin sulfate and [non-sulfated] hyaluronate) that  mon. The cells, which are capable of phagocytic activity,
                  bestow different characteristics on particular connective  can detach from the surrounding tissue and migrate
                  tissues. The synthesis of ground substance is hormonally  through the typically amorphous ground substance in an
                  regulated.                                     amoeboid fashion. Mesenchymal cells give rise to the vari-
                     The chemical structure of the glycosaminoglycans  ous connective and supportive tissues and their derivatives,
                  permits binding of large quantities of cations and water  most of the muscle cells, the vessels and the endo- and
                  molecules. In addition, the proteoglycan molecules are  mesothelia.
                  extensively interconnected. The combination of ground   Mucous connective tissue  is derived from mesen-
                  substance and collagen fibres thus forms a metaboli-  chymal tissue. It is found around the umbilical vessels

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