Page 88 - Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds, 5th Edition
P. 88

70  Veterinary Histology of Domestic Mammals and Birds

                   3.12  Classification of connective tissue (schematic).

                   3.13  Fine structure of loosely arranged mesenchymal cells in mesenchymal connective tissue (x3000).

                                                                  3.14  Mesenchyme (dog). Present mainly during
                                                                  embryonic development, mesenchymal connective
                                                                  tissue forms the foundation of most of the connec-
                                                                  tive and supportive tissues of the body. The cells are
                                                                  connected by delicate cell processes and produce the
                                                                  relatively abundant ground substance. Methylene
                                                                  blue stain (x100).

                                                                  (Wharton’s jelly) and in dental pulp. It consists of a net-
                                                                  work of fibroblasts and mesenchymal cells that fill the
                                                                  large intercellular spaces with scant quantities of collagen
                                                                  fibrils and larger amounts of amorphous, hyaluronan-
                                                                  rich ground substance. This increases the mechanical
                                                                  strength and water-binding capacity of the tissue. Recent
                                                                  evidence indicates that some of the cells in Wharton’s jelly
                                                                  have the potential to differentiate further (Wharton’s jelly
                                                                  mesenchymal stem cells). A role for Wharton’s jelly (umbil-
                                                                  ical cord) in cell-mediated immunity has been postulated.

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