Page 177 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 177

Chapter 9  Knots and Ropes    161

             FIGURE 9.25  Bowline knot first steps.

                                                                FIGURE 9.27  Bowline final step.

                                                                respiration if used around a leg or neck. Usually, the
                                                                issue is from making the loop the wrong way.
                                                                   To untie the knot, grasp and pull the loops in differ-
                                                                ent directions, this will loosen it right up, no matter how
                                                                tight it is.

                                                                Bowline on a Bight
                                                                The bowline on a bight creates a non‐slip noose with equal
                                                                length ends that can be tied to a fixed object or another part
                                                                of the animal. This knot is particularly useful in equine and
                                                                large animal practices when securing patients to prevent
                                                                kicking or when tying limbs out of the way. The two long
             FIGURE 9.26  Bowline second step.
                                                                ends can be used to secure legs to the animal’s own body.
                hand rope, with the end under the standing part   1.  Fold the rope in half, which makes a bight in the
                (Figure 9.25).                                     middle of the rope and gives you two long ends. Use
             2.  Grasp the right hand rope and bring the end up    the bight as an end, form a large circle by making a
                through the loop, around the standing part, and    throw around the two strands of the rope. Make sure
                back down through the loop (Figure 9.26).          the resulting circle can pass over the head and
             3.  Tighten the knot by pulling the end up and the    around the neck, leg or other body part of the
                standing part down. You should see two loops: the   animal. Hold the large circle at the top with your left
                one made in the standing part and the one made by   hand (as indicated by the red arrow); pass your right
                the end around the standing part (Figure 9.27).    hand fingers through the bight and with your index
                                                                   finger and thumb, grasp the two strands of the
               If the knot slides, you have not tied it correctly and   throw, as indicated by the blue arrows (Figure 9.28).
             need to retie it so it does not cut off circulation or
                                                                2.  Drop the top of the circle being held by your left
                                                                   hand and grasp the bight with your left hand,
                                                                   indicated by the green arrow. Pull the bight toward
                TIP BOX 9.3
                                                                   the two ends in the direction indicated by the green
               To remember how to tie the bowline, use this saying: “The   arrow. At the same time pull the two strands in your
               rabbit comes out of the hole, goes around the tree, and   right fingers in the opposite direction as indicated
               back into the hole.”                                by the red arrow (Figure 9.29).
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