Page 237 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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Chapter 12  Laboratory Skills  221

             condenser controls the amount of light refracted off of   threading an objective in wrongly can ruin the entire
             the mirrors inside the condenser. The iris directs the   scope!
             light into small or large areas.                      “Park” the microscope by turning the light source to
               The light source control and power switch are on the   its lowest setting, turn the power button off, point the
             base. Depending on the manufacturer, these controls   lowest objective toward the stage, lower the stage to its
             are either on the side of the base itself, along the back of   lowest position, and replace the cover over the micro-
             the scope, or on the side of the arm of the base. The light   scope. This may seem like a huge inconvenience but it is
             source control knob or rheostat is used to make the light   the best procedure for maintaining the microscope. If
             brighter or softer. The power switch is of course to turn   the microscope  is  in constant  use during  the day,  the
             the scope on and off. The light source located directly   shutdown procedure can be done as one of the last
             below the condenser houses the light bulb. These do   things for the day. A very neglected scope can sometimes
             burn out after a while and can be changed out by either   be brought back to usefulness by a professional clean.
             sliding the entire top of the light source away from the   There are companies that travel to clean and fix micro-
             scope or turning it upside down and accessing it from   scopes. If you happen to have a college or university with
             the bottom of the scope. Microscope light bulbs should   a biology department in your area call them to find out
             not be touched with bare fingers. The grease from our   who they use and see if you can arrange for them to stop
             hands will make the bulb get too hot and it results in it   by the practice to clean your scope. It will save the clinic
             burning out faster. Use a Kem Wipe or paper towel to   money in the long run as a replacement scope can run
             remove and replace the bulb. Before replacing the bulb   up to $2000.
             on a scope that won’t light up, check the power cord! It
             has a habit of becoming loosened from the back of the
             scope. This is especially true if the scope is slid back and   Learning Exercise
             forth on the countertop.
               The microscope is often abused because no one takes   Practice working with the microscope. If the school
             the time to care and maintain it properly. If lucky enough   has prepared slides, use one to find, focus, and
             to find a manufacturer’s user manual read the instruc-  move the slide. When scanning a slide you look at
             tions for cleaning and maintenance of the microscope.   the entire area under the coverslip. Practice this as
             If not available, the following is routine care for the   well because some people get motion sickness
             microscope after each use. If taken care of well, this   when they first start moving the slide.
             piece of equipment will work forever. If not, it tends to
             get filthy dirty and will no longer be useable.
               The best possible care is to do a quick clean after each
             use of the microscope. The sample slide is removed and   Centrifuge
             disposed of properly, usually in a sharps container. The
             oculars are cleaned using a piece of lens paper with a   Centrifuges (see Figure 4.24) are used to separate undis-
             small drop of lens cleaner applied to one end of the   solved solids from liquids, resulting in sample material
             paper. Wipe the oculars off with the wet paper; if you   that can be analyzed. Samples centrifuged in the labora-
             have personnel that wears eyebrow pencil and mascara   tory are clotted blood to obtain serum; unclotted blood
             this is very important. The objectives are cleaned using   to obtain plasma; urine to obtain sediment; and fecal
             the other end of the same lens paper with another small   solutions to obtain parasite ova.
             drop of lens cleaner applied. Let both the oculars and   There are four rules governing the use of every
             objective air dry. If the 100× objective was used, the oil   centrifuge.
             should be removed after each use again with lens paper.
             First wipe the 100× objective off and then apply a drop of   1.  Always balance the centrifuge before turning it on.
             lens cleaner to the lens paper and clean thoroughly. It   An unbalanced centrifuge will “walk” itself off of the
             never hurts to apply the same care to the 40× objective,   counter. It will make a horrible racket and can break
             as it is long enough to be dragged through the immersion   or crack the test tubes, which will spin the sample all
             oil by accident.                                      over the inside of the centrifuge. In short, it makes a
               If either objective has sat in oil for a while it may need   terrible mess and can actually damage the
             a deeper cleaning. This cleaning is accomplished using   centrifuge.
             lens paper and a small amount of alcohol, or xylene sub-  2.  Always lock the lid especially on the hematocrit
             stitute as needed. Immersion oil tends to become thick   centrifuge. There are two lids: one to hold the
             and somewhat crusty if left to dry on an objective lens.   hematocrit tubes in place and one to cover the
             The objectives can be turned out of the ring, but care   spinning disc. Modern day centrifuges lock
             must be taken when threading them back into place.      automatically when they are started and unlock
             The fittings are copper and bend easily so forcing or   when the timer goes off. You can stop centrifuges
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