Page 238 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 238

222    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

             by pushing the stop button or turning the timer
             to zero.
          3.  Never try to stop or slow down a rotating centrifuge
             with your hand. If you suddenly stop a centrifuge it
             can remix your sample. Another issue with stopping
             it by your hand is it’s an accident waiting to happen!
             You can lose a finger or severely burn your fingers
             by friction. Wait the two minutes it takes for the
             centrifuge to stop fully.
          4.  Wipe up any fluids that may have spilled in the
             centrifuge. Spilled fluids will off balance your
             centrifuge. If you pull out a test tube that isn’t as full
             as it was when it went in check the tube for fluid.
             Plastic test tubes are notorious for developing cracks
             and spilling their contents into the centrifuge tube.
             Use disinfectant and paper towels twisted enough to
             reach to the bottom of the tube. Take extra care if
             the test tubes are glass as they shatter into tiny little
             pieces that are difficult to remove from a finger!
            Practices will often have at least two centrifuges: one
          for small micro‐hematocrit tubes and a standard‐sized
          centrifuge with variable speeds (rpm), a timer, and dif-
          ferent‐sized centrifuge tubes to accommodate different‐
          sized test tubes. The larger centrifuges can be either
          fixed slant or swinging bucket heads. Some centrifuges
          have interchangeable heads, with the heads changed
          depending on the sample to be run. Whatever the type   FIGURE 12.2  Refractometer.
          blood, urine and feces are placed in test tubes and spun
          in a centrifuge for their various components. By keeping   read 1.000, which is the specific gravity of water. The
          them clean and maintaining them as per the owner’s   smaller scale to the right or left of the large scale is to
          manual you will be of great value to the team.     measure total protein. Don’t worry about that number. If
                                                             the specific gravity scale is off, find the little screw on the
            Learning Exercise                                refractometer, usually close to the eyepiece and turn it
                                                             one way to bring the line to 1.000.
            Take a look at the school’s or your workplace’s    If the refractometer is not properly calibrated, invalid
            centrifuges. Practice balancing and then running   results may occur. Record who did the calibration and
            them with water in the tubes.                    when it was done in the maintenance log.

          Refractometer                                        Learning Exercise

                                                               Put a drop of distilled water on the lens of the
          A refractometer (Figure 12.2) is used to determine urine   refractometer, hold it up to the light and find
          specific gravity, which is an indication of kidney function   where the line is to indicate the specific gravity of
          and to measure total protein in plasma, which can indi-  the water.
          cate inflammation. Each of these has on its own scale on
          the refractometer. Refractometry is light passing through
          a liquid and refracted by dissolved substances in the
          liquid. Upkeep on the refractometer is easy. Clean it with   Sample Collection
          water from the tap and use a lens paper to wipe the lid
          and the glass surface dry. The only other maintenance   Every sample tested must be prepared according to the
          required is to check its calibration once a month. Place a   directions for testing as per the piece of equipment required
          drop of distilled water on the glass surface and gently   to run the test or if it’s a manual test. This often includes:
          put the lid over the drop. Hold the refractometer to your
          eye and under a light source. The ceiling light should be   1.  Accurate volume or weight measurements. Too little
          sufficient. The line on the specific gravity scale should   or too much sample will skew results.
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