Page 36 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 36

20    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

                TABLE 1.3
            Abbreviations Used For Giving Medications or Treatments to Certain Areas of the Body
            Abbreviation                                            Meaning
            SQ, SubQ                                                subcutaneous – injection given under the skin
            IM                                                      intramuscular – injection given into the muscle
            IN                                                      intranasal – liquid squirted into a nostril
            IV                                                      intravenous – injection or catheter placed into a vein
            PO, po                                                  per os – by mouth or orally
            PR, pr                                                  per rectum – rectal medications
            as, AS                                                  left ear
            as, AD                                                  right ear
            au, AU                                                  each or both ears
            os, OS                                                  left eye
            od, OD                                                  right eye
            ou, OU                                                  each or both eyes

          abbreviations will crop up in the rest of this textbook. It
          is suggested that you keep a small notebook in your   Chapter Reflection
          pocket and when you see an abbreviation or acronym
          that you don’t know the mean of, write it down and look   Think about all of the information in this chapter.
          it up.                                               What was the easiest to learn? What was the
                                                               hardest? What will you need to practice the most?

            Information Exercise

            One of the best ways to learn these root words,
            suffixes and prefixes, and abbreviations is to write
            them on flash cards to test yourself and practice
            using them every day in a sentence.
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