Page 37 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 37


             Laws, Policies, and OSHA Standards

             Affecting Veterinary Practice

                              LEARNING OBJECTIVES
                              • Discover where laws come from and what impact they have on
                                veterinary practices
                              • Determine how veterinary practice acts protect the public and
                              • Apply OSHA standards to work safely in a veterinary practice

                               NAVTA GUIDELINES COVERED IN THIS CHAPTER
                               V.  Small Animal Nursing (Large Animal Nursing – Optional)
                               A.  Safety concerns
                                  2.  Utilize personnel safety measures
                                  7.  Be familiar with OSHA standards

             Laws and Regulations                               shows the number of agencies that have a direct impact
                                                                on veterinary medicine whether by law or by voluntarily
             for Veterinary Practices                           following guidelines.

             Veterinary medicine and the practice of veterinary
             medicine  are  regulated  by  several  federal,  state,  and  Federal Laws
             local  laws.  They  represent  the  minimum  standard  to
             which a veterinarian must comply when practicing   Federal laws are those made by the US government.
             veterinary medicine. Ignorance of the law is not an   They override all state and local laws. These laws tend to
             excuse and does not constitute a defense in violation of   be broader in scope and more general in statement,
             any law. There are different levels of laws that are set by   allowing states to decide how to implement policies and
             various entities in government. Let’s take a look at   penalties. Several federal agencies have been tasked with
             where these laws originate and what they do to protect   watching over the different aspects of veterinary medi-
             the veterinarian, the animals, and the public. Table 2.1   cine and animals and how they impact on public health.

             Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant, Fourth Edition. Teresa F. Sonsthagen.
             © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
             Companion website:                                              21
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