Page 42 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 42
26 Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant
This section is only an overview of the many laws and
ordnances veterinary practices must observe. Knowledge Exploration Learning
of these laws is the responsibility of the veterinarian and
the practice manager. The polices and procedures of the Utilize the internet to find the websites and mission
individual practice should incorporate these laws and reg- statements for the AVMA, AAHA, and NAVTA. In
ulations. It is the responsibility of the veterinary staff to your own words compare these three organiza-
learn about and adhere to these polices and procedures. tions’ missions for its members. Which one has the
biggest impact on your career as a veterinary
Learning Discovery
• What is the state or local ordnance for vacci- Occupational Safety
nating animals against rabies?
• Which animals are, and which are not to be and Health Administration
vaccinated? (OSHA) – Workplace Safety
• What age is the first vaccination to be given to
dogs and cats if mandated?
• Are there ownership limitations on species or OSHA is a federal agency that governs workplace safety,
breeds in your city? enforces laws designed to minimize hazards in the work-
• How are dogs and/or cat licensed in your city? place, and metes out fines to those facilities that fail to
follow safety guidelines.
Each worksite must have a written plan complying
with the laws with a designated person as the plan’s
administrator, the Hazard Communication Coordinator
Guidelines of Practice (HCC), who oversees the implementation of the rules.
from Veterinary This person is responsible for training new and existing
employees in the safety rules followed in that facility. The
Organizations AVMA recommends that new employees sign a notifica-
tion verifying this training. The HCC is also responsible
Federal, state, and local laws represent the required stan- for posting OSHA signage throughout the practice
dards to protect the public and animals, the veterinary providing information on risks of the job, how to mini-
profession itself makes additional recommendations. mize them, what to do in an emergency, and to whom
The AVMA and the American Animal Hospital Association and when to report accidents on the job.
(AAHA) are organizations that offer enhanced practice The HCC is also responsible for providing training on
recommendations. and enforcing the use of personal protective equipment
The AVMA is a non‐profit organization that provides (PPE). Goggles, face masks, gloves, rubber boots, and
policies and guidelines to the profession, continuing waterproof aprons are the basic safety equipment found in
education, accredits colleges of veterinary medicine and the veterinary facility. All these items must be worn when
programs of education for veterinary technicians. They encountering hazardous chemical and infectious waste
also lobby on a national level for animal welfare, disease materials. For more about these items see the section on
control, and the profession of veterinary medicine. Personal Protection Equipment later in the chapter.
The AAHA is a for‐profit organization that sets a The HCC is also responsible for keeping the Material
higher practice standard for veterinary hospitals than Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) up to date. The MSDS are a
the usual standards. An AAHA accredited practice has source of information about the hazards of each prod-
met and adheres to the organization’s membership uct, including how to handle and store it properly, as
requirements and high standards. Member hospitals are well as what to do in case of accidental exposure. They
subject to periodic inspections to ensure compliance to are usually kept in a binder in a central location for ease
these standards. The standards themselves are wide rang- of access. They are used in case someone is exposed to a
ing, setting criteria for facilities, pharmacy, anesthesia, chemical that can cause damage.
surgery, housekeeping, and other areas of practice. The HCC is the person to report to if an illness or
NAVTA is a non‐profit organization for veterinary injury develops on the job or an action or event that
technicians. Their mission is advancing veterinary nursing might affect job safety. It is especially important for
and technology. They do so by offering continuing edu- women to notify the HCC as soon as they become preg-
cation, networking with state associations, membership nant or suspect they are pregnant. There are many haz-
benefits, advocating the profession to veterinarians and ards associated with birth defects or which can potentially
the public, education guidelines, and certification of veteri- cause miscarriage in a veterinary practice and certain
nary assistants. actions must be taken to protect both mother and child.