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Chapter 2  Laws, Policies, and OSHA Standards Affecting Veterinary Practice  23

             •  Requires the establishment of an Institutional Animal   State Laws
               Care and Use Committee (IACUC) in every research
               and teaching facility that uses animals. This    Practice Act Rules and Regulations
               committee is made up of researchers and/or
               professors that review all written research and   As discussed in Chapter 1, veterinary medicine is specifi-
               teaching protocols that utilize animals within that   cally regulated by a practice act. Each individual state leg-
               facility. They are tasked with making sure the   islates their practice act to fit within the state’s laws and
               protocols are within the guidelines set by the USDA/  culture. The practice act is not changed easily or often as
               AWA and that the animals are cared for as specified   it takes an act of the state’s legislative, judicial, and exec-
               in the protocol.                                 utive branches to be changed. The American Veterinary
             •  Inspections by the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health   Medical  Association  (AVMA)  and  the  American
               Inspection Service (APHIS) are on an annual basis. All   Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB) have
               licensed facilities (research, exhibition, and   model practice acts that can be utilized to update or
               sanctuaries) and protocols involving animals are   revamp state practice acts. AAVSB has a current database
               inspected to check if they are complying with the rules.  of each state’s practice act and assists with state jurispru-
             •  Set regulations for transporting animals across state   dence, veterinary medical exams, and administers the
               and national borders.                            Veterinary Technician National Exam (VTNE).
             •  Prosecute and penalize any person that knowingly   In addition to the practice act, there are rules and reg-
               sponsors or exhibits an animal in any animal fighting   ulations determined by a veterinary state board, whose
               venture.                                         members are appointed by the governor of the state.
                                                                These are not legislated and can be adjusted to facilitate
               The USDA oversees the Food Animal Residue        the legislated practice act. This board is also responsible
             Avoidance Databank (FARAD), a risk management      for administering veterinary licenses, and in some states
             program to standardize drug withholding times in food   veterinary technician credentials by providing an exami-
             animals. Withholding times minimize drug residue in   nation for each. They also enforce the practice act and
             meat and milk. It is the time necessary for animals to   hand out judgments and penalties for violations.
             metabolize all traces of these medications before they   The main purpose of a practice act is to protect the
             can be slaughtered, or the milk sold for consumption.   consumer and public health from incompetent and
             The website contains a full list per species of   fraudulent veterinary actions. The practice act dictates
             drugs and their withholding times.                 what the practice of veterinary medicine is, who can call
               The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is part   themselves a veterinarian and act as such in a veterinary
             of the US Department of Justice. Their influence in   practice, as well as various state laws and rules of conduct
             veterinary medicine is the regulation of controlled drugs   as they pertain to animals and the public. Violation of
             such as anesthetics, pain medications, and euthanasia   these laws represent the practice of veterinary medicine
             solutions. These drugs have a high incidence of addic-  without a license, which is prosecutable. Because each
             tion thereby requiring a veterinarian to obtain a DEA   state has their own laws and culture, most require a vet-
             license in order to use them. Accurate records of their   erinarian to pass their state licensing exam. This means
             storage and use in a veterinary practice is required.   a veterinarian licensed in one state cannot practice
             Surprise inspections can occur and if there are discrep-  veterinary medicine in another state. Some states do
             ancies legal action and loss of the license to practice   have reciprocity, but most do not. Veterinary technicians
             veterinary medicine could occur. For more information   can have their VTNE scores transferred to another state
             about these drugs see Chapter 13 on Pharmacy Skills.  and, if accepted, is credentialed in that state. Veterinary
                                                                assistants with a National Association of Veterinary
                                                                Technicians in America (NAVTA) certificate can work in
               Learning Exercise                                any state.
                                                                   The practice act can also provide guidelines as to what
               •  Which government agency inspects research     veterinary staff may do within a practice. This is usually
                 and teaching facilities?                       delineated by levels of supervision such as direct/
               •  Which US agency is responsible for making sure   immediate supervision or indirect/remote supervision.
                 imported food, drugs, and devices are safe?    In most states it is up to the veterinarian to determine
               •  Who is responsible for reviewing research and   the competence of the staff members before delegating
                 teaching protocols within a facility?          a task. The veterinarian is directly responsible for the
               •  Which state agency regulates drugs that have   actions of the staff and if a mistake is made it is the veter-
                 a high incidence of addition?                  inarian who will be held responsible including legal ram-
               •  Which group is responsible for enforcing drug   ifications and loss of license.
                 withholding times?                                The last major topic of discussion about practice acts
                                                                is the establishment of the veterinarian–client–patient
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