Page 41 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 41
Chapter 2 Laws, Policies, and OSHA Standards Affecting Veterinary Practice 25
clients about the treatments, health concerns, or
prognosis of their animal, unless expressly granted
permission by the veterinarian. Refer the client to
another staff member or back to the veterinarian for
answers to their questions.
Learning Reflection
After reading about the many instances in veteri-
nary practice that result in a law suit and/or
loss of a license, reflect your feelings about such
actions. Are they ever justifiable? Is it fair that the
veterinarian is responsible for the actions of her/
his employees? How easy would it be for some-
one to act as a veterinarian, whether knowingly or
unknowingly, and what could the consequences
be for following that action?
Local Ordnances
As a business the veterinary practice is required to adhere
to local ordnances that regulate several aspects. For
example, the size and location of signs for the business,
zoning laws for where in the city such a business can be,
FIGURE 2.1 Caution wet floor sign. Source: Wikimedia Commons. and the requirement of a business license.
Used under CC BY 2.0, Local ordnances also affect the pet owner and who
by/2.0/deed.en. may depend on the veterinary practice staff to inform
them correctly of what laws they need to know about.
• Utilizing release forms for consent to treat, perform One such ordnance requires dogs and cats to be licensed.
surgery/anesthetic risks, treatment estimates, and Some will limit the number of each species housed in one
euthanasia are also used to prevent home, as well as what species or breed of animal may be
misunderstandings or assumptions. These forms are kept within city limits. Many localities have leash laws
considered contracts and document the expectations requiring dogs and cats to be on a leash when outdoors
of both parties involved. Attach these forms and mark or secured in a fenced yard. Nuisance laws usually govern
all treatments, observations, and conversations with noise, soiling, and destruction of private property by
the owner in the patient’s file. companion animals. Barking dogs, failure to clean up
• Never permit the owners to restrain their own feces, and dogs or cats that chase or harm other animals
animals. They may not know how to keep themselves and people can result in a citation. Bites are of major con-
or the veterinarian from being bitten. Previous cases cern and so most localities have ordnances for rabies vac-
of owners holding their own animals have resulted in cinations. Some localities differ in only requiring dogs to
bite wounds that have resulted in loss of limb be vaccinated, some require both dogs and cats, and even
function and facial nerve damage. If it was the others dogs, cats, and ferrets. Most states and/or local-
veterinarian who was bitten it may mean shutting ities mandate that wolf, wolf–dog hybrids, coyote, coyote–
down the clinic. dog hybrids, racoons, and skunks are never vaccinated
• As an assistant, never provide information to anyone on for rabies. Many states will also allow livestock to be vacci-
any subject on which are you are not knowledgeable. nated; however, they do not require the certificate. Many
Never render a treatment to a patient without orders cities will quarantine vaccinated animals that have bitten
from a veterinarian; never offer clients advice about someone for up to 10 days at the expense of the owner,
their animal’s condition, disease, or behavior without and usually in a veterinary facility. Unvaccinated animals
orders from a veterinarian. Remember, only the are often euthanized immediately for the animal to be
veterinarian can diagnose, prognose, prescribe, and tested for rabies. These rules can be found in the state’s
perform surgery in a practice. You should never talk to century code or the local ordnance for details.