Page 1 - THEGOLDENLAND 2019-2020
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      VOLUME 10 NO. 1 | MAY—OCTOBER 2019

                                                                                                T                             sindang  banggi,  pero  mayong
                                                                                                      his  school  year  made  a
                                                                                                      huge  verdict  for  Ocampo
                                                                                                                              maginibo ta kurulang na an class-
                                                                                                      National  High  School
                                                                                                                              room,” one attending parent said.

                                                                                                as it introduced to the parents and   CLASSROOM SHORTAGE
                                                                                                students  the  new  schedule  of
                                                                                                classes  for  2019-2020  during  the   The scarcity of classroom and
                                                                                                1st General Assembly at the Pavil-  facilities  has  been  a  staple  issue
                                                                                                ion                           of public schools.
       1(: 6&+('
       8/(  1(: $'                                                                                Designated Assistant Principal   At ONHS, it has situated sever-
       -8670(176  $                                                                             for  Academics  for  Junior  High   al  Temporary  Learning  Shelters
       JURXS RI VWX                                                                             School  (JHS)  Ruby  DC.  Aquino   (TLS)  around  the  campus  as  a
       GHQWV KXUULHGO\                                                                          emphasized the dire need for the   response  to  accommodate  the
       SHQV LQ DQVZHU                                                                           school  to  adopt  the  shifting   increasing  number  of  students,
       LQJ WKHLU DFWLYLW\                                                                       scheme;  mainly  due  to  the  high   and  to  amend  the  wreckage  of
       VKHHWV DV WKH\                                                                           turn-out of enrollees and the lack   some  classrooms  brought  by  the
       UDVK RQ WLPH                                                                             of classroom in school.       recent typhoon.
       EHIRUH WKH QH[W                                                                            “We  decided  to  create  a  new   Leonor  Magtolis-Briones,  Edu-
       WKHLU FODVV                                                                              class  program  po,  deviating  from   cation Chief, addressed the issue
                                                                                                the  usual  everyday-whole  day  re-  by means of their School Building
       3KRWR  (OL %HOOH]D                                                                       porting ng mga bata, into morning   program,  slated  in  2018,  in  part-
                                                                                                and afternoon sessions. Kami din   nership  with  the  Department  of
                                                                                                po ay nahihirapan sa sitwasyon na   Public  Works  and  Highways
                                                                                                ito, pero we need to be more un-  (DPWH) – the engineering arm of
                                                                                                derstanding, kasi we can’t accom-  the government. Here, Department
                                                                                                modate them all – all at once.   of  Education  (DepEd)  originally
                                                                                                  JHS  grade  levels  are  divided   targets  to  build  47,000  class-
                                                                                                into  2  batches,  which  enters   rooms,  which  was  cut  half  to
                                                                                                school  alternatingly.  The  1st   28,170,  citing  the  increased  cost-
                                                                                                batch,  Grades  7  and  10,  goes  in   ing of school building designs.
                                                                                                the  afternoon,  while  the  second,   She further cited that construc-
                                                                                                Grades 8 and 9, goes in the morn-  tion  still  follows  at  this  point.
                                                                                                ing,  and  the  groups  come  to   However,  delays  on  procurement
                                                                                                school alternatingly by next day.   and lags on contract implementa-
                                                                                                  The new schedule suggests to   tion hampers the timely implemen-
                                                                                                start the class as early as 6:30 AM   tation of projects. Following their
                                                                                                and  ends  at  11:20  for  the  1st   timelines, she is expecting that 11,
                                                                                                batch, and the 2nd batch begins at   826  classrooms  shall  be  built  by
                                                                                                12 noon and ends at 6:00 pm.   the end of 2019 to address the on-
                                                                                                  The  sheer  announcement  in-  going shortage over the nation.
                                                                                                stantly  draws  nods  and  surprise
               campo  National  High   Meanwhile,  Justin  Lloyd   performance were equally com-  from  the  parents  noting  the  very   ENROLLMENT INCREASE
               School  (ONHS)  was   Salvador,Janine Villanueva, Kim   mended in the said event.   early  1st  period,  and  last  period
               hailed  as  5th  Runner   Angela Cordez, and Michelle                            that ends at dusk.              The  Office  of  Registrar  has
        O out of hundred and       Ann  Baliwag  (Grade  12-                                      “Herak  man  kan  mga  aking   enlisted  almost  3,000  enrollees
        nine  competing  schools  after   STEM), section classmates,                            mauruli  sa  hararayo  pa.  Aabutan   for  both  JHS  and  Senior  High
        bagging awards in the recently   almost broke the school’s 8
        held   Division   Secondary   year drought  in the Region-
        Schools   Press   Conference   al  press  conference  after
        (DSSPC)  in  Don  Servillano  Pla-  landing the same fourth places
        ton  Memorial  National  High   in  each  respective  event,  top-
        School  (DSPMNHS)  at  Tin-  ping  a  hundred  competitors,
        ambac, September 16-18.    which  earned  them  the  title,                             *ROGHQ /DQG
          Official school publications,   “F4.”                                                 -XVWLQ  /OR\G  6DOYDGRU
        Golden  Land  and  Gintong  Ya-  Although  some  ONHS  con-                            *     -  WK 3ODFH  1HZV
                                                                                                                              7    +  4

        man, campus journalists bested   tenders and the rookie broad-                         *    -  WK 3ODFH  (GLWRUL  B
                                                                                              -DQLQH 9LOODQXHYD  *    -
        7 events at “Platon” after the 3-   casters  failed  to                                WK  3ODFH   &RS\UHDGLQJ           /-,4
        day rigorous competition.           secure a spot, their                              DQG +HDGOLQH :ULWLQJ

                                                                                              DO :ULWLQJ

                                                                                              6FKRRO  3DSHU  $GYLVHUV
                                                                                              DQG  &RDFKHV  -  -RVHOLWR
                                                                                              %HOOH]D -U  DQG 'DUZLQ 2

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     )285 :,16  7+ 3/$&(6   )URP OHIW WR ULJKW  .LP $QJHOD                                    VXODW  QJ  %DOLWDQJ  3DPSD         0   -3
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                                                                                              WRU\DO                                     -
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                                                                                               WK  3ODFH   3DJVXODW  QJ
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                                                                                              1DWDELR  DQG  9DQHVVD  GH
                                                                                              6FKRRO  3DSHU  $GYLVHUV               &
   1   2   3   4   5   6