Page 2 - THEGOLDENLAND 2019-2020
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She added that the DLPs initiat-
                                                                                                                                                    ed  by  the  Regional  Office  are
                                                                                                                                                    packed  with  contextualized/
                                                                                                                                                    localized  examples  and  word
                                                                                                                                                    problems.;  thus,  learners  could
                                                                                                                                                    tell  the  real-life  applicability  of

                                        Almost all classrooms have     “It’s  a  trial-and-error  meth-
                                  two  advisers  sharing  classroom   od,” Sola emphasized.                  epEd Regional Office 5 offi-  the lessons.
                                  territories.                         With this, students and even          cially  distributed  Contextu-      Still, in her lessons, in comparison
    School (SHS) this school year, and   The first shift starts at 6:30   teachers  generally  draw  confusion   alized  Daily  Lesson  Plans   to the DLPs they used last year, she no-
    still counting, as of this writing.   AM and ends at 11:40, followed by   and muddle. Because of the abrupt   (DLPs)  to  schools  in  Bicol,   ticed a slight number of interactive activi-
         Since from its humble start   the next by 12:10 PM until 5:30 PM.   changes,  subjects  are  mixed-up,   including  ONHS,  to  respond  for  a  clear-  ties, and some entries were just literally
    in  the  70s,  garnering  only  around   Hence, classes are followed every-  prompting  some  students  get  sur-
    50 students, the school enrollment   day,  with  some  subjects  grouped   prised  by  their  new  teachers,  or   cut  goal  of  providing  access  to  quality   lifted from the books they have been us-
    escalated  forty  times  around  four   accordingly by either an MWF or T-  some teachers entering the classes   teaching resources, and to address their   ing.
    decades                       TH  sched,  and  each  regular  class   not  on  their  sched  based  on  the   workload  concerns  by  reducing  their   Meanwhile,  in  the  Senior  High
         Pataas  po  ng  pataas  ang   runs about an hour and 30 minutes.   class program.       “clerical tasks.”                         School,  teachers  responded  that  they
    number  of  enrollees  natin  every   For teachers, since subjects   In  some  subject,  a  case   School  Principal  Reynaldo  P.     haven’t received any DLPs for their han-
    year, and to be honest po, as much   are  categorized  per  days  of  the   happened  wherein  almost  all  sub-
    as gusto naming lahat i-enroll, hin-  weeks,  they  are  only  required  to   ject  teachers  have  been  assigned   Lopez, on his first conference, cited the   dled subjects.
    di po maaari, kasi sila din mahihira-  attend  either  MWF  or  T-TH  sched,   at one section, leaving students in   scheme of the Region as “innovative” and   “Dae  kami  naggagamit  nin  DLPs
    pan. Kaya po, yung iba po nirerefer   thrice  or  twice  a  week,  depending   awe,  requiring  them  to  change   “helpful” to teachers, which would signifi-  kan DepEd. Mayo man kami kaiyan,” Lyka
    na lang namin sa ibang school o sa   on  the  subject,  considering  the   again the subject teacher on the 1    cantly   decrease   their   burden   of   Frances Sola, SHS teacher, said.
    school na malapit sa kanila,” Aqui-  given 40 hours per week to be com-  page of their notebooks.   “paperworks.”                            “Pero  okay  ako  sa  contextualized
    no added.                     plied for duty, which gives an extra   Rowel Brinas, Math 7 teach-
         She  also  stated  that  the   allotted  Saturday  per  month  for   er, expressed his share of observa-  “With  the  DLPs  given,  wala  nang   (DLP) lalo na sa Lit (pertaining to her Lit-
    school took carefully into consider-  reporting,  and  other  school  activi-  tion  on  the  course  of  the  shifting   gagawin  kung  hindi  magturo  na  lang,  or   erature  Subject),  pero  mayo  pa  ako  1st
    ation those students who are living   ties, such as Recognition and Hom-  classes.           modify them to suit the learners’ needs.”   hand  exprience,  Mayo  pa  man  samong
    far from the school, which could be   eroom PTA sessions.          For  students,  he  deemed  it   Lopez said.                        nakaabot na DLP Prototype.”
    affected by the last period. Though   Meanwhile,   non-teaching   as  somehow  ineffective  because,   The  initiative  draws  positive  re-  In  the  guidelines  issued  at  DepEd
    the school need to pursue the new   staff,  such  as  Department  Heads   at  most,  learners  come  to  school
    schedule, she further asked for the   and Clerical Posts are mandated to   thrice  a  week,  which  greatly  mini-  marks  from  ONHS  teachers,  citing  them   Order No.  42, s. 2016 (Policy Guidelines
    deep understanding of the parents   attend everyday, as per usual work   mized the time for discussion and   as  “huge  help”  for  classroom  instruc-  on Daily Lesson Plan Preparation for the
    and  guidance.  Rest  assured  that   schedule.              activities,  and  the  monitoring  of   tions.  Teachers  from  JHS  and  SHS,   K to 12 Program), it is stated that DLPs
    the  school  still  highly  prioritized                      students’  performance  and  behav-  based  on  general  interviews,  lauded  the   are  deemed  “suggestive”  rather  than
    the safety and security of the stu-  IMPLEMENTATION          ior.  Also,  he  witnessed  a  growing   initiative of DepEd.             “prescriptive,”  allowing  the  teachings  to
    dents in the premises.                                       number  of  students  coming  to
         More  so,  ONHS  schools       The  said  new  class  sched   school at the first period.     “Dakulang tabang ang naitao niya.   customize/ modify the lessons to suit the
    several students who live in remote   over  time  has  undergone  several   “Dae  siya  productive,  for   Enot nae not, less na ang burden sa pag-
    premises  of  Ocampo  and  outside   changes  before  being  finalized  by   me,  since  at  most  thrice  a  week   gibo nin lesson plan. At least, may guide
    the  municipality.  Some  enrollees   August.                lang  ang  mamimeet,  instead  na  2   na kung paano madeliver ang lesson mga
    live as far as Brgy. Sto. Nino, situ-  Pancracio  P.  Sola,  Head  of   topics  an  macover  every  session,   summative  test  na  pwede  magamit  for
    ated at the boundary, which is 11.4   Math Department,  who plotted the   nagiging saro sana man, pero we’re   evaluation,” Sweetcel Nacario, a teacher
    km  away  from  the  school,  almost   class  program  for  the  year,  said   doing our very best naman to cope
    at the foot of Mt. Isarog.    that  the frequent alteration of time   with the situation, he added.   in Math 9, said.
         Some students living in the   schedule  is  normal  and  inevitable,   Students  like  John  Drixler
    borders  of  Ocampo  have  to  com-  citing that ONHS-Junior High hous-  Taduran,  10-Tenacity,  complained   3KRWR  'DUZLQ 2  6HQWLOODV
    mute by tricycle or jeep or “habal-  es almost a hundred teaching staff,   of  the  changes  from  his  original
    habal” and/or walk the terraces of   and  considering  this  number  is  a   MWF classes to everyday, but half-
    rice fields or dark footpaths just to                        day classes. “Sa ibang subjects po,
    go  home  after  the  last  period,                          medyo  late  na  din  ibang  teachers
    which ends at 5:30PM.                                        tapos mga classmates ko din. Ac-
         School  Principal  Guillermo                            tually  never  nga  kami  nakapag-
    C.  Ortua  further  convinces  the                           performance task sa isang subject
    crowds  for  the  adopted  class                             namin  dahil  sa  kakapusan  ng
    shifts.                                                      oras.”
         “Kahit  kami  po  ay  nahihira-                               Meanwhile,  the  change  has
    pan din sa pagplot ng schedule ng                            given  also  some  students  and                                            025( *2/'6  21+6 VFKRRO SXEOLFDWLRQV  *ROGHQ/DQG DQG *LQWRQJ <DPDQ  FKHHUV
    mga  bata,  kasi  kino-consider  din                         teachers  great  advantage  on  their                                       LQ JORU\ DV WKH VWXGHQWV EDJV VHYHUDO  VW SODFHV LQ WKHLU UHVSHFWLYH HYHQWV  DOORZLQJ
    namin yung mga available na class-                           tasks.                                                                      WKH VFKRRO WR QRWFK D  VW 5XQQHU XS RYHUDOO ZLQ
    room.  Ang  dalawang  grade  levels                                It  has  clearly  given  ample
    po  ay  magpapalitan  ng  classroom                          time  for  students  to  focus  on
    sa  umaga  at  sa  hapon.  Sa  Senior                        subjects  assigned  each  day,
    High  School  po  ay  wala  tayong                           and  bring  learning  materials
    problema,  kasi  may  newly-built                            needed for the session, less-
    tayong  building  for  them  at  ilang                       ening  the  demand  for  them
    mga  TLS  din.  Pero  sa  JHS,  need                         to  bring  all  things,  such  as
    natin i-adopt ito,” he said.                                 books, at once.
         He  also  stressed  out  the                                  Likewise,  the  school
    need  to  extend  the  patience  and                         admin expected the learners
    expected the cooperation from the                            to have extra time, a half-day
    parents  and  stakeholders  as  they   herculean  task,  much  more  the   more at home, to revel in bond
    only  think  solely  of  the  education   subjects  they  teach  and  the  num-  with  in  family  and  promote  a
    of  the  children,  so  that  each  stu-  ber of sections per grade year lev-  strengthened  parental  relation-
    dent  essential  need  for  learning   el.                   ship.
    could be attended by the school.    The entire teaching and non    Teachers,  moreover,  have
                                  -teaching  staff  of  the  school  have   significantly  been  given  an  added
    ADOPTING THE NEW              undergone  several  conferences   opportunity to rest and prepare for
                                  and  consultations  regarding  the   the next lessons, and provide time
         For  students,  in  the  pre-  changes.  Even  the  newly-installed   for family affairs.
    scribed  class  program,  grade  year   Principal-I,  Reynaldo  P.  Lopez,  re-  Baring  no  options  left,
    levels  resort  to  borrowing  class-  placing  Ortua  by  July,  aimed  at   Ocampo  National  High  School
    rooms.  Grades  7  and  8  are  ex-  discussions  among  the  staff  to   turned an iron fist with its decision,
    changing classrooms for the morn-  resolve the issue.        while  considering  to  still  provide
    ing  and  afternoon  shifts,  and  the   Each  time  a  schedule  is   the  same  equal,  and  accessible,
    same goes with Grades 9 and 10.   announced, it is expected that con-  and quality educational learning for
                                  flicts of schedule of teachers aris-  the Ocampo community.
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