Page 5 - THEGOLDENLAND 2019-2020
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                                                                                                                                               S/Y 2019-2020

                                                                                                                                   Editor-in-Chief Justin Lloyd L.
                                                                                                                                 Associate Editor Kim Angela SR.
                                                                                                                                  Managing Editor Jannah Angel
                                                                                                                                                  S. Taduran
                                                                                                                                  Feature Editor Eunice Mendoza
                                                                                                                                              Sci-Tech Editor
     OCAMPO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL                                                                                                             Antonio G. Abano
                                                                                                                                                Sports Editor
          MAY—OCTOBER 2019                                                                                                                    Arabella P. Asor
                                                s  President  Rodrigo   What is even more unjus-  President Xi Jinping in 2016
                                                Duterte’s submissive   tifiably  compelling  is  that   seems to be blatantly unfair.   Photojournalists Ric I. Puerta
                                                policy  with  regards   during  the  State  of  the  Na-  The  Chinese  would  be  al-  Graphic Artists/Cartoonists Kim
       FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK                   to  the  West  Philip-  tion Address (SONA) of Pres-  lowed  to  fish  farther,  on         Alexandra Cordez
         I,  personally,  am  grateful  for     pines Sea justifiable   ident  Rodrigo  Duterte,  he   Reed  Bank,  a  rich  fishing
       your  appreciation  with  this  May      or  just  a  sign  of   formally  announced  to  the   ground  within  the  370-
       2019—October  2019  release  of    I territorial  vi-                                    kilometer EEZ of the country,    School Paper Adviser Joselito O.
       The Golden Land, the official stu-  sion  and  power  to  execute                        in exchange for not blocking                      Belleza Jr.
       dent  publication  of  Ocampo  Na-  arbitral proceedings?                                Filipino  fishermen  from  the             Asst. School Paper
       tional  High  School.  The  fact  that                                                   Philippine   owned   Scar-           Adviser Darwin O. Sentillas
       you are reading this school paper,    The country faces a terri-                         borough, or Panatag Shoal.
       and  this  note,  makes  my  heart   torial  dispute  on  the  West
       flutter. You are one of a kind. I am   Philippine  Sea  where  both                         We  are  still  in  the  pro-
       aware  that  not  everyone  pays  at-  China  and  the  Philippines                      cess of developing our coun-
       tention  to  reading  articles,  espe-  have  their  ownership  claims                   try and maintaining econom-
       cially the students.               on  the  sea  in  conflict.  The                      ic development, so we  must
         The publication staff, with the   West  Philippine  Sea  is  part                      not  underestimate  the  crisis
       help of their advisers, Joselito O.   of  the  South  China  Sea  that                   that  could  occur  as  far  as
       Belleza  Jr.,  and  Darwin  O.  Sentil-  is included in the Philippines'                 agriculture  and  fisheries  are
       las,  have  exerted  an  unmeasura-  Exclusive  Economic  Zone                           concerned, which could bring
       ble amount of efforts to have this   (EEZ).  The  Philippine  EEZ                        detrimental  impact  not  only
       issue published.                   measures 200 nautical miles                           on the economy but also on
         More so, I hope you enjoy your   meaning that we do not own                            the  lives  of  the  common
       reading until the very last page of   the  entire  ocean;  as  far  as                   Filipino people.
       this school paper, and please con-  Filipinos  are  concerned,  we
       tinue inspiring us to not give up on   are  simply  claiming  what  is                      Duterte  's  decision  to
       writing  and  publishing  through   ours in the first place.                             favor  the  Chinese  fishing
       your reading.                                                                            vessels on our marine territo-
                                             Unlike  usual  territories,                        rial ground and his failure to
       Sincerely,                         we have no direct power over                          implement  the  Philippine
                                          the  EEZ.  What  we  do  have                         fisheries  codes  are  chancy
       JUSTIN  LLOYD  L.  SALVADOR        are  the  sovereignty  rights,                        policies  that  will  be  carried
       Editor-In-Chief                    however,  to  claim  all  the                         to  the  next  generations.  In
                                          marine  and  local  resources                         order to produce a result that
                                          that  we  can  gain  from  it.                        is  advantageous  to  the  na-
                                          Note  that  these  natural  re-                       tional  interest,  our  public
      HOW TO USE QR                       serves  are  solely  ours,  and                       officials  must  change  their
                                          must  be  ours,  and  the  fact                       ways and attitude.
       To use the QR Code, download
       the QR Code Scanner on Google      that we even won the arbitral                              With  this,  Mr.  Duterte  is
                                          case  in  the  international  tri-
       Play  and  scan  the  QR  codes    bunal.                                                committing   even   bigger
       scattered  on  this  issue.    You                                                       transgressions  against  his
       c a n    a l s o    g o    t o        Technically,   resources                           own people for making such  Give  it  a  try.    could  be  shared  by  states,                    rash  actions  to  give  China
       Internet is needed.
                                          however,  if  it’s  only  excess,   Filipino  masses  that  he  and   the license to reap what ex-
                                          but  in  our  case,  apparently   Chinese  President  Xi  Jin   clusively  belongs  to  the  Fili-
                                          there is none. So why give it   Ping had a verbal agreement   pinos in their EEZ.
                                          to  a  neighbor  who  is  much   on fishing rights in the long-
                                          richer and larger than us, and   disputed  sea.  Worst  of  all,   If  this  continues,  what
                                          which has lost the court?    the  moment  he  made  that,   will  become  of  the  Philip-
                                                                     it's  a  final  confirmation  that   pines?  A  province  of  China?
                                             It is terribly amusing and   the verbal agreement is now   No way!
                                          silly  that  we  tend  to  help   a  legally  binding  agreement
                                          others  but  we  couldn't  even   on the Philippines and China.   Intimidate us all they can,
                                          help  our  own.  If  this  still                      but one thing shall last, West
                                          count as being hospitable, as   And we cannot get out of   PH Sea is and shall be ours.      To know more about the
                                          one Filipino value we uphold,   it anymore.                                                  actual  situation  of  the
                                          well,  we  would  reject  our-                                                               West  Philippine  Sea,
                                          selves to be called as one.    The  supposed  deal  Mr.                                      watch    the  Reporters’
                                                                                                                                       Notebook’s documentary
                                                                     Duterte  made  with  Chinese                                      titled,  “Batas  ng  Kara-

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