Page 3 - THEGOLDENLAND 2019-2020
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She added that the DLPs initiat-  varied needs and context of learners and
 ed  by  the  Regional  Office  are   available learners of the school.
 packed  with  contextualized/   More  so,  it  was  emphasized  that
 localized  examples  and  word   no part of the DLPs shall be shared pub-
 problems.;  thus,  learners  could   licly to any form of social media, i.e. Fa-
 tell  the  real-life  applicability  of   cebook,  Google  +,  WhatsApp,  and  the

                                                                                                                                    hilippine   National   Police
                                                                                                                                 P  (PNP) Regional Mobile Force
                                                                                                                                 Battalion,  501st  Maneuver  Com-
                       like.                                                                                                     pany,  steered  a  symposium  on
 Still, in her lessons, in comparison   Initial  copies  were  given  through                                                    illicit drugs, substances, and ter-
                                                                                                                                 rorism  ONHS  students  on  Sep-
 to the DLPs they used last year, she no-  online,  using  their  DepEd  accounts,  and                                          tember 23.
 ticed a slight number of interactive activi-  shall only be utilized by teachers of De-                                              PO1  Job  Sanchez  and  his
 ties, and some entries were just literally   pEd Region 5 (Bicol), starting S/Y 2019-                                           fellow  officers  raised  awareness
 lifted from the books they have been us-  2020.                                                                                 on  the  danger  and  hazards  of
                             The  DLPs  in  all  learning  areas                                                                 illicit drugs, as well as how teen-
 Meanwhile,  in  the  Senior  High   from  Kinder  to  Grade                                                                     agers tend to get involved in such
 School,  teachers  responded  that  they   1 2                                                                            3KRWR  %UHQGD ,  6DEDXSDQ   Much focus was also given
 haven’t received any DLPs for their han-                                                                                        on  anti-terrorism  guidelines  as

 “Dae  kami  naggagamit  nin  DLPs                                                                                               these law enforcers insinuates to
                                                                                                                                 the crowd the need for safeguard
 kan DepEd. Mayo man kami kaiyan,” Lyka                                                                                          and  prevention  over  abuse  and
 Frances Sola, SHS teacher, said.                                                                                                violence,  particularly  insurgency
 “Pero  okay  ako  sa  contextualized                                                                                            of communist-terrorist groups.
                                                                                                                                      Moreover,  the  same  ses-
 (DLP) lalo na sa Lit (pertaining to her Lit-                                                                                    sion has been used to encourage
 erature  Subject),  pero  mayo  pa  ako  1st                                                                                    students  to apply for criminology
 hand  exprience,  Mayo  pa  man  samong               +8*( +(/3  &ULVW\ 2  9LOODIXHUWH   7/( 7HDFKHU IRU *UDGH                  and  related  courses  in  schools,
 nakaabot na DLP Prototype.”                           RQO\ PDNHV KHU LQVWUXFWLRQDO PDWHULDO IRU KHU OHVVRQ  EDVHG               such  as  the  Philippine  National
 In  the  guidelines  issued  at  DepEd                    RQ WKH  DOUHDG\ SURYLGHG 'DLO\ /HVVRQ 3ODQ E\ 5HJLRQ 9                Police Academy (PNPA).
 Order No.  42, s. 2016 (Policy Guidelines
 on Daily Lesson Plan Preparation for the
 K to 12 Program), it is stated that DLPs   were prepared by selected teachers and   pero  yung  maging  first  place,  it  is   maalaman  ang  kahalagahan  ng  pa-
                                                                                                 mamahayag sa bawat isa.”
 are  deemed  “suggestive”  rather  than   supervisors, adhering to the principles on   through  the  years  I  saw  na  nag-  GL  and  GY  journalists  extended   *-    SDUHQWV  MRLQV
 “prescriptive,”  allowing  the  teachings  to   instructional  planning  stipulated  in  the   improve talaga ako.”   their  gratitude  to  the  school  paper   ZRUN   LPPHUVLRQ
 customize/ modify the lessons to suit the   same said guidelines.   Joselito  Belleza,  Jr.  and  Jerald   advisers  and  assistant  advisers,   2U6HP
                                                                 Natabio, Golden Land (GL) and Gin-  invited resource speakers, teachers,
                                                                                                 and to the whole school community,    arents  of  Grade  12  stu-
                                                                                                 and to the unceasing support of the   dents graced the orienta-
                                                                                                 school principal, Reynaldo Lopez.     tion  seminar  for  Work
                                                                                                                                  Immersion  at  the  ONHS  Pavil-
                                                                                                                                  ion, August 24.
                                                                                                                                    The  event  aimed  to  inform
                                                                                                                                  them on the conduct of the up-
                                                                                                                                  coming  work  immersion  of  the
                                                                                                                                  exiting  batch  and  other  im-

                                                                                                                                  portant matters relating to com-
                                                                                                                                  pliance before graduation.
                                                                                                                                    Janette Solosa, SHS teacher,

                                                                                                                                  comprehensively  discussed  the

                                                                                                    JUSTIN LLOYD SALVADOR (G12)     mandated  guidelines  stipulated
                                                                                                       1st Place, Newswriting     on DepEd Order No. 3, s. 2017.

                                                                                                     JANINE VILLANUEVA (G12)      Also,  Immersion  Coordinator,
                                                                                                   1st Place, Copyreading and Head-  Liza  Cielo,  set  out  the  require-
                                                                                                           line Writing           ments  prescribed  by  the  work

                                                                                                     ANTONIO ABAÑO JR. (G11)
 025( *2/'6  21+6 VFKRRO SXEOLFDWLRQV  *ROGHQ/DQG DQG *LQWRQJ <DPDQ  FKHHUV                        3rd Place, Science and Technolo-  places  the  students  will  be  put

 WKH VFKRRO WR QRWFK D  VW 5XQQHU XS RYHUDOO ZLQ                                                       ARABELLA ASOR (G9)           Open  forum  was  also  con-
                                                                                                      4th Place, Sports Writing   ducted for clarification and oth-
                                                                                                                                  er equal important matters.
                                                                                                      EUNICE MENDOZA (G10)
   +DLOV RQH RI WKH WRS SHUIRUPLQJ VFKRROV ,Q MRXUQDOLVP                                              5th Place, Feature Writing

                                                                                                         RIC PUERTA (G12)         63,&(  JURRPV  *UDGH
                                                                                                      6th Place, Photojournalism
                                                                                                                                      WR  EH  LPPHUVLRQ
  H                               ber 3  week.                                                      7th Place, Editorial Cartooning      enior  High  School  (SHS()
                                                                                                     ARCHIERELL TURIANO (G11)
          ost Ocampo National High

                                     Two  first  spot  medals
          School  (ONHS)  grabbed
                                                                                                     KIM ANGELA CORDEZ (G12)
                                                                                                      9th Place, Editorial Writing
          over-all  1st  Runner  Up  in
                                  were  notched  in  Newswrit-
                                                                                                                                      Department,  headed  by

          the  3rd  Congressional
                                                                                                                                      Amalia  M.  Laurel,  Asst.
                                                                                                     JERUEL MARC TUPAS (G11)
  District  Secondary  Schools  Press   ing  (English)  and  Copyreading  and   tong  Yaman  (GY)  advisers  respec-  3rd Place, Pagsulat ng Lathalain   Principal,  launches  the  Senior
                                  Headline  Writing  (English),  which
                                                                 tively,  spoke  pride  and  fulfilment

  Conference on September 4.      further landed the school as one of   upon the feat of the campus journal-  GRACY MAE PANGANIBAN (G9)     High  School  Pre-Immersion  &
     Writers  from  Golden  Land  (GL)   the top performing schools in Cam-  ists.                  3rd Place, Pagsulat ng Agham at   Career Experience (SPICE) Sem-
  and Gintong Yaman (GY), the official   pus Journalism in the 3rd district of   “Although  there  has  been  too                 inar-Workshop  for  Grade  12  on
                                                                                                       MAILYN BENOSA (G11)
  student publication of ONHS in Eng-  Camarines Sur.            much  pressure  for  us,  because  we   5th Place, Pagwawasto at   September 26.
  lish and Filipino respectively, paved   “Admittedly,  I  wasn’t  expecting   are  really  being  pushed  to  get  into   Paguulo ng Balita   Students  underwent  basic

  way  for  the  school  to  be  hailed  as   anything  like  making  it  to  the  Top   the  Regional  competition,  we  still   MICHELLE ANN BALIWAG (G12)     know-how  trainings  on  resume
  one of the top performing schools in   10, since I’m not convinced enough   kept a slow, steady pace, and aimed   5th Place, Pagsulat ng Balitang   writing  as  well  as  acing  job  in-
  the sectoral level.             if I did well or right, but I know I did   straight  at  practice.  We  actually   Pampalakasan   terviews,  in  preparation  for  the

     ONHS won in 15 out of 16 indi-  my  best  and  I’m  already  a  winner   began our intensive training as early   MARIDEL OQUIALDA (G10)     upcoming  work  immersion  for
  vidual events, a total from both the   before  anything  else,”  Janine  Vil-  as July. We have drowned ourselves   7th Place, Pagsulat ng Balita   Grade  12.  Speakers  were

  English and Filipino categories; thus,   lanueva, 12-STEM, exclaimed.   to report every weekend, and invited   KIAN BOAQUIÑA (G11)     sourced from the SHS and Jun-
  securing a safe spot for the Division   Justin  Salvador,  12-STEM,  Gold-  several speakers  from top universi-  8th Place, Pagsulat ng Editoryal   ior High School teachers.

  Secondary  Schools  Press  Confer-  en  Land  EIC,  aced  the  Newswriting   ties here in Camarines Sur,” Belleza   MICHAELA CASCO (G11)     Mock  job  interviews  were
  ence  (DSSPC)  to  be  held  at  Don   event, besting more than 20 compet-  said.                9th Place, Kartong Pang Editoryal   held  the  next  day  with  Grade

  Servillano Platon Memorial National   itors. “Yung makapasok lang po ako   “Hindi  ito  para  sa  amin.  Gina-                  12s wearing their best interview
  High  School  (DSPMNHS)  in  Tin-  sa  Top  10,  masaya  na  po  ako  nun   gawa namin ito para sa kanila. Para                 attires.
  ambac,  Camarines  Sur,  by  Septem-  kasi  qualified  na  sa  Division    level,   sa  school.  Para  mas  lalo  nilang
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