Page 6 - THEGOLDENLAND 2019-2020
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he appeal to reinstate what they call it they are already on that targets to decrease crimes
Capital punishment the death row. Most historical rec- through catching drug pushers and
known as the Death Pen- ords and practices indicate that the rehabilitating of drug users. Behind
alty in the country hurled death penalty is a part of the justice the beautiful objective of the pro-
from the brutal killing of system even in the earliest civiliza- gram lies an impeccable fact. The
a 16-year old girl from tions. However, even with death pen- alleged drug lords are linked to well-
T -Lapu City. The case alty the crimes in total has not been off people and worst to those who isrespect continues to roam in
became controversial and roused decreasing. Merely because when a have positions in the government. every place in different forms
sympathy from the peo- Those who have power D
not until it turns into a crime.
ple thus— stirring the are not arrested even Early this year, albeit some
discussion of death pen- investigated. While tinge of confusion and doubt
alty. some poor drug pushers like what Gabriela Women's
On July 4, Senator or users who are still Party called the president as a
Ronald “Bato” Dela Rosa pondered as “persons “single most brazen violator of the law’s
made public about his of interest” were said to intent", the law has been officially signed.
filing of a bill reimposing fight in act so the police Implementing rules and regulations
death penalty. The bill is were forced to fire them of Republic Act No. 11313, also known as
for those who have com- dead. Yet, even without the Safe Spaces Act or the “Bawal Bastos”
mitted heinous crimes the death penalty being law penalizes catcalling, wolf
involving drug traffickers; imposed, there is al- misogynistic and homophobic slurs, un-
Dela Rosa made it clear ready death penalty in wanted sexual ad-
that it is not “anti-poor”. person submits to a crime he action. vances, and other
Still, anti-poor or not, will the doesn’t think nor care about being An eye for an eye, a tooth for forms of sexual har-
reiteration of the death penalty be caught anymore. It just shows how a tooth. This belief encourages a assment in public
the answer to the country’s rampant death penalty is not deterrent to culture of violence. places, workplaces,
crimes and drug importations? crimes. Come to think of it, death schools, as well as in
First, let’s take a look in the So what’s changed if it be penalty itself is ironic. It speaks to online spaces. This
history where capital punishment is imposed now? punish people who have committed new law spells a
applied. Criminals who have commit- The poor people without mon- heinous crimes through death. Then significant difference
ted capital offenses such as parri- ey for legal defense are the first to so, the people who executed the from the first Anti-
cide, murder, rape, are sentenced to feel the wrath of the justice system. convicts be killed too? Well, the prin- Harassment Act (RA
death waiting to be executed or as Say for instance, the Oplan Tokhang ciple is sarcastic! 7877) of 1995 it is
closely related to
wherein previously,
only persons in authority could be charged
as offenders limited to specific public do-
mains to where the act was committed.
I sanctuary Scar- the landmark ruling recognized the templation of the Philippine govern- could now be anyone too. This law includes
Now that sexual harassment seems
to happen almost anywhere, offenders
t has been years since the
In July 2016, however,
dispute over the marine-
Tension rises, so is the con-
the host of acts often regarded today as
sovereign rights of the Philippines
'usual' such as but not limited to catcalling
borough Shoal parked be-
over the area, measured 200 nauti-
ment with the necessary measures
and wolf-whistling, considered as gender
cal miles in the country’s Exclusive
to defend the country’s claim and
tween countries China and the
based street and public spaces sexual har-
Philippines. Recent events,
however, despite Philippines
other hand, stood its ground, and
templation, however, must be inten-
uninvited sexual actions or remarks against
winning arbitral ruling on said wa- Economic Zone (EEZ). China, on the authority over Panatag. This con- assment committed through unwanted and
sified that it shall not take too long,
insisted on its authority and take-
any person, regardless of the motive. Not
ters, China is seen at large, proving over of the disputed area. because we never know tomorrow, excluding cyberspaces where most of us
to be more authoritative in the re- Well, why would they not? or the next day, who knows, what’s have direct access to, portray a venue of
gion, intimidating Filipino fishermen Apparently, China has fixat- there in Scarborough left for us? threats intimidating and harassing victims’
from carrying-out their marine expe- ed its eyes on the area, and planned Now is the time to say online. In these platforms allowing sexist
ditions on the area. out well their next move – they built enough of this oppressive maneu- remarks, cyberstalking, incessant messag-
The feud was ver of China in the Scar- ing, and impersonating identities of victims
first marked in a contro- borough Shoal, for it is also require security and protection the law
versial standoff in 2012, under the Philippines’ au-
when Philippine Navy thority after all. The Philip-
surveillance plane no- pines, its’ government, must
ticed eight Chinese ma- spawn the long-lost courage
rine vessels set in Scar- to stand up against the des-
borough Shoal (also olation brought about by
known as Panatag China’s insubordination
Shoal). The Philippine with the rulings. This can be
Navy then sent men to done through filing corre-
survey the area, and sponding protests against
upon inspecting the China, and whatever it takes
catch of the Chinese to do so, as it is not only the
vessels, they claimed that they artificial islands in the said waters, entitlement which we are fighting o this genera- not to burden students.
found out illegally harvested marine and even strengthened their seclu- for, but as well the rights of the tion, they say, The K
resources such as giant clams. sion by shooing out Filipino fisher- Filipinos and their living. all is simple much so that our perfor-
In an attempt to arrest the men from their fishing grounds. Now, is a time for us to man now. Nothing is mance assessment system
Chinese fishermen, they were With this, Defense Secretary Delfin our boundaries and tighten the grip, unattainable ensures its implementa-
blocked by Chinese maritime sur- N. Lorenzana expressed himself to refine the life of our fishermen. under the sun tion,. However, on the con-
veillance ships. Philippines some- amid the continuous predicament in As the saying goes, “What T just a few trary, students are clearly
how lost Scarborough Shoal to Chi- Scarborough Schoal, referring to you allow is what will continue.” clicks of fingers. The tech- burdened with the over-
na due to this incident. China’s actions as “bullying.” nology made life easier for whelming amount of these
students than ever before, homeworks being loaded
yet complaints can still be into their bags.
heard around them. For
some, almost everything tion for Teachers that
seems simple. But for homework in turn hones
those who lack the means the capacity of students to
to attain the educational be responsible and devel-
needs, everything is almost op independent problem
like crawling a muddy hill solving skills. But to some-
just to reach the learning one who isn't fortunate
he May 2019 election him. self, but for the country. demands of the 21st cen- enough to have resources
results showed how It’s heartbreaking to live in Seeking a government posi- tury. in life, sometimes solving a
majority of our fellow- these times knowing that there is a tion must require a high level of I remember, a moth- problem will mean getting
men thinks. They elect- need to educate the electorate competence and moral compass, er once told me
ed leaders infamous for about the importance of check and not garnered on endorsement and about the agony of
electoral frauds, en- balance. That the legislative and the length of time for commercial her daughter thriv-
T ement power and judiciary shall not be dictated upon ads. Public office is dedicated for ing for school re-
most especially popularity. Thus, by the executive. the public. What the public deserves quirements. Her
Philippine politics are inevitably left Countrymen, is this what we must be given to them. Nothing daughter was
with two things - instability and in- want to lead us towards on our less, but more. spending her mon-
competence. dreaming progress? Shouldn't we Article XI, Section 1 of the ey, which was sup-
Not a single Otso Diretso voice out support for those who 1987 Constitution states that posed to buy lunch,
candidate made it to the magic 12 have good heart to serve than those “Public office is a public trust.” How forcing her to go
based on the final, official results. who just won by mere Padrino sys- can we expect accountability and after school to the
Aquino and Mar Roxas great progress if internet café to do
landed on the 14th the persons we her homework,
and 16th spot, respec- elect into office which requires
tively. does not qualify to computer and internet use. into another issue. Despite
President Ro- be one? That is due to their difficulties to cope with,
drigo Duterte, even If the Philippines school's lack of learning determination helps them
during his campaign, goes lower than materials and equipment. grasp their bright future
has gone public with this, politicians are And they're one of the less and pull the rope. But who
his immense support never to be blamed. fortunate, not having knows that throwing such
with his lineup. It’s us – for not enough to survive on, and desperate move could un-
"Pagnatalo taking any actions can't afford a phone or consciously pull them
itong mga kandidato for those who are laptop and internet access down?
ko, babalikan ko kayo", he jokingly tem and popularity hiding behind uninformed, and those who are se- that might have been a
tells the audience. the good sheep they always wear? lectively informed. great help to close the like me who has nothing to
Unfortunately, his endorse- Election is never a simple Fiipinos who have a heart to gaps for her daughter. inherit from my parents but
ment and bias worked, and even game, where you just choose which serve never need a lift of a fist to Alliance of Con- these genes and the edu-
those who knows nothing how the one is better for you alone. Deciding win. It’s a lift of the head, with eyes cerned Teachers (ACT) cation they promised, it's
Senate works or the Congress won, which one to elect is a shared desti- wide open, and a brain to think. National Chairman Joselyn either I'm going to 'hit' or
just because they lift their fists with ny. One must choose, not for one- Martinez stressed that 'miss' this chance in life if