Page 4 - THEGOLDENLAND 2019-2020
P. 4
photocapturing, sketch- the Republic Act No. Joselito O. Belleza, Jr., Presi-
ing and layouting assess- 7079 more known as the dent of the Association of
ments to finally deter- “Campus Journalism Act School Paper Advisers for
mine the initial qualifiers, of 1991.” The publication 3rd District, admittedly felt
and be shortlisted to advocates responsible Also, ONHS tied the pressure as first-time school paper adviser,
decide the Editorial journalism, through vari- again in the same while also being the president. He added that the
spot with Calabanga
Board and Staff. ous activities that would National High School winning is greatly attributed to the hardworking
advisers and to the value of responsible journal-
he Golden Land More so, this pool hone the skills and ethics (CNHS), following that ism.
Publication had of writers is prepped up of the students in the of in the 3rd Congres- It’s a great feat for the entire schools of the
its annual for training to represent said area. sional District Press 3rd District to bring such achievement. Being a 1st
T eening of the the school in the upcom- Conference held at runner up feels like champion already. Our school
applicants for writers, ing press conference for ONHS. paper advisers, especially those who have had se-
cartoonists, lay-out art- journalism by August. ,1.6 21 $Q Moreso, 3rd District cured the way towards the Regionals, are of high
ists, and photographers, The Golden Land DVSLULQJ */ ZULW landed on 1st Runner caliber, and I am deeply in gratitude for the hard-
work they do.” he exclaimed.
Up Place in the
conducted on Wednes- Publication, as the Offi- RXWSXW IURP overall rank- Though we are representing each respective
day, July 3, 2019, at the cial Student Publication VFUDWFK XQGHU ings per dis- school, we’re more far elated for the Cam. Sur flag
ONHS Pavilion. in English of Ocampo WLPH SUHVVXUH GXU trict of Cama- dominating the Regional level, and in God’s will, the
A hundred and National High -XO\ rines Sur. National Schools Press Conference (NSPC) to be
thirteen aspiring campus School,
journalists (CJs) graced serves to
the screening to become uphold
part of the school publi- press
cation in English. These free- ewly-assigned School previously assigned in Gainza National High
young CJs came from dom Principal Reynaldo P. School, discussed about departmental and
mixed grade levels from in the Lopez held his first office updates and reports, as well as re-
Junior High to Senior N ulty meeting in cent Department of Education (DepEd) issu-
High School. Ocampo National High ances and memorandums.
The applicants cam- School (ONHS) today, In the assembly, which was attended
had undergone writing, pus level,
in align with +($' 72 July 16, 2019, to by more than 130 teaching and non-
+($' 1HZO\- discuss matters teaching personnel of ONHS, Lopez also
WUDQVIHUUHG 3ULQ for the school talked about school policies, including Pro-
FLSDO 5H\QDOGR 3 year. ject W.A.T.C.H (We Advocate Time Con-
/RSH] EULQJV KLV Lopez, who was sciousness and Honesty).
KH VSHDNV LQ IURQW On top of that, he had a thorough
RI PRUH WKDQ D discussion with the faculty on his
KXQGUHG WHDFKHUV proposed new general program or
GXULQJ KLV VW class schedule, which Lopez insisted
to be enforced starting Monday, July
HQFH DW 21+6 29.
P presence of two resource sufficiency of resources and classrooms in
This is in consideration with the in-
hilosophers in Concert"
was the addition in this
speakers - Mr. Roy Penolio
the school, amid the increasing rate of en-
from Nabua National High
year's celebration of Phi-
losophy Day with the
Bolalin Jr. from Baao Community
theme, "Philosophy of Man: An School (NNHS) and Mr. Ricardo rollees.
Inquiry Into the What-Who-and-Why College.
of Man." In his talk, Penolio
Spearheaded by Philosophy discussed on dehumani-
teacher and 12-Derrida adviser Mr. zation, where he empha- XQGUHGV RI SURWHVWHUV UDOOLHG WKH
Heriberto Bongulto Jr., the event is sized the quote, "The best + VWUHHWV RI +RQJNRQJ WR FRQ
purposed for students to engage in thing in life are not things, but GHPQ WKH FRQWURYHUVLDO ([WUDGLWLRQ %LOO
the realization of their daily experi- people. Use things, love people, ZKLFK FRXOG DOORZ WKHLU FLWL]HQV WR EH DF
ences using a holistic point of not the other way around." FXVHG RU FRQYLFWHG RI D FULPH RXWVLGH WKHLU RZQ FRXQWU\
view. The whole day activity ca- Meanwhile, Bolalin
tered abilities and capacities of lectured on concepts of hu- RXWK $IULFD UDQNHG ILUVW ZLWK WKH ODUJHVW QXPEHU RI +,9-
students to become critical and man life, where he left the 6 SRVLWLYH SHRSOH DURXQG PLOOLRQ LQ WKH ZRUOG DFFRUG
analytical thinker with their pur- words "doing philosophy is LQJ WR D UHFHQW VWXG\
pose. the end of human existence."
“Bilang namayo kan tiripon, Additionally, the event was 21+6 VZRRSV DZDUGV DW UHPRWH SDUW RI HDVWHUQ ,QGRQHVLD ZDV KLW E\ D SRZHUIXO
ilinaag ko sa isip kan mga katood made possible also with the efforts 7LJ-$Z )HVW ڔ $ PDJQLWXGH HDUWKTXDNH RQ -XQH DQG ZDV IHOW DV IDU
ko (students) na an saklaw kan of SHS teachers, as well as stu- DLC/DCB Band, Majorettes, CAT DZD\ DV %DOL DQG QRUWKHUQ $XVWUDOLD
Pilosopiya mahiwason na maray. dents, and support of the adminis- Units, and MAPEH Units went “hakot
Kaya padagos ko sainda sinasabi trative staff of the school. award’ after bringing home 16
plaques of recognition during the
na ‘an Pilosopiya bako sana hil- For Bongulto, he posited that Grand Military Street Parade Compe-
ingon ninda bilang sarong paagi humans have to be actively en- tition at the 2019 Tig-Aw Festival at
para makanuod (subject course) gaged with social issues and his/ Tigaon, Camarines Sur. fter the suc- This two- and greener sur- submit parental
kundi instrument para mahiling her environment, and must contin- A cess of the 3- pronged initiative rounding in support permits, and ob-
asin masabotan an tataramon na ue to question things around to ڔ.XEROڕ KLJKOLJKWV %XZDQ day 2019 Intramu- of the organization, with the Solid serve proper social
TOTOO, “ Bongulto asserted. know the “truth.” QJ :LND DFWLYLW\ ral rumble, the led by its president, Waste Manage- etiquette during the
In the said segment, “Questioning is an art of Kubol or native small house were ONHS Supreme Ramcel L. Abio, ment and Dengue length of the activi-
Senior High School (SHS) knowing towards truth. An showcased during the celebration of Student Govern- Grade 12-STEM, prevention at ty. Trash bins to
stu- school.
ment (SSG) pitched highlighted
students, particularly those in avenue as well to quench for a 2019 Buwan ng Wika with the theme, a post-intramural dents and faculty More so, with be installed follow
“Wikang Katutubo, Tungo sa isang
classes taking Philosophy thorough extrapolate on bansang Filipino.” ball to celebrate its unison during the the help of the a color-coding
subject, showed off things happening in our Each grade year level was chal- victory and cama- conduct of the administration and approach for stu-
their skills and tal- society—social issues. It lenged to create their versions of raderie among the Intramurals, in line the LGU-Ocampo, dents and teachers
ents in performanc- aims to see the validity kubol, displaying native materilas school body, where with its theme, the SSG ensued to observe proper
es such as singing on the presence in the and equipment and a variety of local proceeds shall go “Forging Unity and strict safety proto- waste segregation
food and delicacies.
and dancing, in material world that to the installment Camaraderie cols and precau- and to avoid litter-
relation with the man believes with of trash bins through Sports,” as tionary measures, ing, and practice
concept of the the help of his rea- around the cam- well as its call wherein students the value of disci-
towards a cleaner were obliged to pline.
event. son. Its conformity
Alongside is the answer to his
the portion are doubts, wonders and
"Philosophical Ex- even subjects to sub-
hibit of Student's mit himself to the real n lieu to alarming concerns on national groups. student, we should be knowledgeable
Output" and film view- experience to come up I security, particularly the surfacing re- “Masisira ang buhay ninyo kapag enough about sa mga ganitong situation,”
ing. with concreteness of ports on school-based recruitments of sumama kayo sa mga rebelde,” said one said Antonio Abano, Grade 11- STEM.
Also, the Phil- reality.” communist and rebel groups, an insur- of the speakers who strongly insisted the Additionally, the army strongly
osophical symposium Philosophy Day is a cul- gency seminar was enforced by the 83rd dire consequence of enforcing rebellion iterated to the students that they con-
demn such actions as this is rather an
Infantry “Matikas” Battalion on August 6 against authorities.
on “Human Being: A minating activity for all at Ocampo National High School (ONHS). These groups, according to the exploitation of freedom, and as well com-
solution for Dehuman- Grade 12 Students taking The assembly, organized by Capt. Tigaon-based armed forces, takes ad- promises the national security.
ization & Human Life: up Introduction to the Elizabeth Rosete and squad, in coordina- vantage of schools as grounds for en- Furthermore, the speakers empha-
An Ideal Way of liv- Philosophy of the Human tion with the Senior High School (SHS) couraging students to join their league sized that joining communist groups,
ing” during the after- Person. It was conduct- Department, aimed at arming the stu- and uprising against the government. living in hiding, undertaking trainings to
noon was strength- ed last September 25, dents with the necessary precautionary Medyo nakakatakot lang na may fight the government, deprives a person
ened 2019 at ONHS Pavilion. measures to be not involved, or much ganito palang nangyayari sa bansa natin, of a better life and future.
by the worse, recruited, with and by rebel and lalo na sa mga community. As a