Page 13 - Brewdog Teaching Notes
P. 13
In 2007 when BrewDog was set up it occurred during a
global financial crisis. In every sense BrewDog was a single
product company (SPC) but unlike the stereotypical SPC it
has displayed a longevity through its product development,
marketing, branding, distribution and diversification that
allows it to maintain its growth and profitability.
By 2020 the company was valued at £1.8bn but overnight its
revenue fell by 70% as lockdown occurred and survival
looked bleak as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Covid-19 highlighted a simple relationship:
The Problem: No customers, no cash
For BrewDog the answer in 2021 was to a great extent the
same as that of 2007:
Solutions: Creative marketing, steady cash flow
The latter part of the solution for 2020/21 lay not in the
reliance on bar revenue but on that of the unexpected
increased in-home consumption of beer in cans.