Page 5 - Hazels Rabbit Farm CS
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Moreover, she recognised her knowledge weakness and
sought out and was lucky enough to find one of the most
knowledgeable men in the industry, Speedwell Campion,
who acted as her mentor pointing her in the direction of a
good source of breeder stock.
The Business Idea
Hazel had decided that where traditionally rabbits were
bred for their meat with the by-product being the fur she
would reverse this as the basis for her business model and
produce first for the fur and then the meat. Moreover, in
the UK rabbit farms are typically very small-scale, with
roughly 10 to 200 breeding does (female rabbits) on an
average-sized farm.
Rabbit Varieties
There are two main breeds in the commercial rabbit
farming industry: Rex and White rabbits. The Rex is bred
specifically for the fur and is a more velvety fur with
shorter, thicker hair than the White. White rabbits have
traditionally been bred primarily for the meat, and the fur
was not always used.
The price of rabbit meat varies from country to country
averaging between €4-8 (price paid per rabbit). However,
the price of rabbit meat had not risen substantially in the
last five years but the costs associated with producing the
meat had.