Page 10 - Hazels Rabbit Farm CS
P. 10
When rabbit meat is sold in retailers such as restaurants,
many people assume that the meat comes from wild
rabbits. However, most of the rabbit meat that is sold in
the UK and elsewhere comes from farmed rabbits that
have been reared specifically for meat production.
EU Report
The European Food Safety
Authority commissioned a scientific
report into commercial rabbit
farming in 2003 and found that
almost 857 million rabbits were
slaughtered for the meat industry with more than half
coming from China.
Rabbits produce a highly acceptable, very nutritious meat.
For meat production, medium-weight New Zealand Whites
are best, followed by Californians.
Rabbits have a number of advantages that make their
production quite inviting. One doe can produce 4-6 litters
of 6-8 young each per year which means that one doe can
easily produce 25 or more offspring per year.
Medium-weight breeds (9 to 12 pounds) are able to start
breeding at 6 to 7 months of age, with males maturing one
month later than females. One buck can service about 10