Page 18 - Tyrrells Chips
P. 18
A bag of Tyrrells Sea Salt and Black Pepper Chips 150g. sells in the UK
for £1.99 in Russia for £5 a bag.
Indian Market
Milner recognised India as another key market. He
went to Mumbai, Delhi and Kolkata to expand the
business and now has a solid market there. The only
problem is that there aren’t many supermarkets and
he doesn’t want to target the corner shop. However,
Tyrrells are in all the 5-star hotels like the Oberai. The Indians found the
packaging very funny and absolutely got the brand message.
Chinese Market
By the end of 2012 Tyrrells had struck deals to
expand into Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam
and Hong Kong, thereby adding to its presence in
US Market
Understanding the terrain of any market is
fundamental before embarking upon any international
expansion. For Tyrrells, the US was no exception to
this. The States is made up of many different regions
and contains a complex retail landscape that must be thought about in
different ways.
Milner sought to break into the US by building a solid platform based on
Tyrrells core product – crisps and which once established would provide
the foundation for launching its other products. Moreover, a strong digital
PR and in-store presence to ensure that consumers understood and
engaged with the brand proposition was also employed.