Page 16 - Tyrrells Chips
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Tesco Revisited
Some five years after the Tesco row Tyrrells’ full range appeared in 450
Tesco stores, with a further 900 stocking just the Tyrrells’ Christmas
lines. For Milner the experience of working with Tesco despite the initial
frosty reception was a pleasure saying that:
"They're fantastic operators and have been 100%
Further domestic success came as more outlets were brought on-board
for example, listings were won with Marks & Spencer to provide four
own-label SKUs from December, including Pink Himalayan Rock Salt
and Lobster & Chilli flavours. However, within a year of Milner taking
charge it became clear that:
“the biggest change was the rapid growth of our export
business, where we’ve taken advantage of exchange rates.
The business has transformed itself from a Herefordshire
crisp brand to a European brand with a strong position in
France, Holland, Switzerland and down into Austria.”
Furthermore, tripling the size of the company in three years put pressure
on its manufacturing. So! More machinery and space had to be
“The plans are to expand the business and we will be
investing significantly in the site over the next year.”
The Route Abroad
In 2012 nearly 30% of Tyrrells’ sales come from outside of the UK.
Within two years this was expected to rise to 50%. Part of the reason for
this lay with the exchange rate which benefited the company.
However, good prep- work underpinned the market penetration strategy
for this expansion. He recognized that countries are not unified single