Page 25 - eBook T2 eISBN2
P. 25


             Table 2.6: Comparison between mixture and compound properties

                                          Mixture                          Compound

                                                                          Constant composition - water

                                          Variable  composition  -        always contains the same ratio
                                          the relative amounts of         of  hydrogen  to  oxygen.  This
                                          the  two  gases  can  be        ratio is shown in the chemical
                                          changed.                        formula  of  the  compound  -

                                          The     hydrogen      and       The  hydrogen  and  oxygen
                  Joined or not?          oxygen  are  not  joined        have  joined  together  to  form
                                          together.                       the new substance water.

                                          Keeps the properties of         Properties  are  different  from

                                          the           substances        those  of  the  elements  it
                                          involved.  This  mixture        contains. This compound is a
                                          is in the gas state.            liquid.

                                          The  substances  in  the        Cannot  be  separated  but  can
                    Separation            mixture       can       be      be obtained by using chemical

                                          separated.                      reactions.

             Types Of Matter

             In Periodic Table, there are 118 elements arranged according to its proton numbers. But most
             materials encounter in the world are mixtures. The air is a mixture of oxygen, nitrogen and

             other gases. The oceans are mixtures of water, salts and other substances.

             Pure substance: A type of a matter with a fixed composition. Every sample has exactly the
             same characteristic, properties and composition. Example, Helium and H2O. Pure substances

             cannot be separated into different components by physical means.

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