Page 11 - November 2020 Traveler
P. 11

Blessing Box Alert

                                                                         ARE YOU A MEDIA PERSON?

         With the freezing temps coming, please

         remember to only place or donate items that                    Trinity is looking for someone to
         will not freeze outside. Please, no canned                     keep the community up to date
         items or liquid soaps, shampoo, etc. (Until                    on what is happening  even with

         next Spring!!). Some suggestions for the win-                  the Covid restrictions. The gar-

         ter months are: powder detergent, bar soaps,                   den ministry is a fine example.
                                                                        Would you be willing to write
         dry soup mixes, any                                            little somethings for the Neigh-

         boxed item, paper                                              bors publication and the ‘What’s
         towels, toilet paper,                                          Happening in Durand?’ Facebook

         etc.  A big THANK                                              page?
         YOU to all of you that                                             Please prayerfully consider

         donate items and/or                                                    and contact Shannon
                                                                                     if interested.
         give monetarily to the

         Blessing box fund!!

               Do you shop online?     Is it time for Christmas gift shopping?

         Direct some of that shopping toward helping Trinity.  Amazon has a program called,
         AmazonSmile.  By selecting that option when you shop Amazon the company will al-

         low you to choose a charity and will donate a portion of your purchase to that chari-
         ty.  Here are the steps to take to allow that to happen.  Every little bit helps Trinity!!

         How to use AmazonSmile to donate a portion of your purchase to Trinity.

         1.  Search for AmazonSmile on your browser’s search engine.

         2.   Click on the link to

         3.  Click on the “Go to AmazonSmile” link once the page opens.

         4.  Once open log in as you would normally for Amazon if you al-

             ready have an account. If not you will go to the new customer link.
         5.  The select a charity page will open.  Scroll down to the section labeled “…or pick

             your own charity”.

         6.  Type in Trinity Lutheran Church, Durand.  Click on “select”.  Now, shop as usual.

         7.  Each time in the future if you shop Amazon just be sure to log
             into  05% of each eligible purchase will then go to Trinity.

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