Page 7 - November 2020 Traveler
P. 7

Thanksgiving Activity

                                 5 Kernels and the Meaning of Thanksgiving


         5 kernels of candy corn in a sandwich bag tied closed with a fall colored ribbon.

         Message:  The  first  winter  the  pilgrims  spent  in  America  was  very  cold.  Some
         days,  all  they  had  was  enough  for  each  person  to  have  only  5  kernels  of  corn.

         When spring came, the pilgrims planted their corn and it grew so they had a lot
         of food the next year. From then on at Thanksgiving, the pilgrims each kept five
         kernels of corn at their plates to remind them of God’s

         provision.  This  candy  corn  reminds us  of  the meaning
         of Thanksgiving also.  Each kernel of corn can remind
         us of the meanings.

         1-The first kernel of corn reminds us that God loves us.

         2-The second kernel reminds us that God provides for all our needs.

         3-The third kernel reminds us of the friends God has given us.

         4- The fourth kernel reminds us of all the people God has given us who love us.

         5-The fifth kernel reminds us that God hears our prayers and answers us.


                       God, Thank you for providing all our needs and for loving us.
                                      We love you. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

                                                  *Blessing Basket*

            Set out a pretty fall basket with a pencil and notepad inside. Throughout the

          month, encourage family members to jot down ways God has blessed them. Small
                              children can draw or cut out pictures from magazines. Set aside
                                           time on Thanksgiving to read them together.

                                                 *Let your Light Shine*

                                 Give an unlit votive candle in a holder to each person pairing
            children with an adult. Begin by lighting your own candle and thanking God for
           specific blessings. Then, continue the process around the table until all candles

                   are lit.  Lead your family in a candle light service of Thanksgiving!

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