Page 4 - November 2020 Traveler
P. 4


         Greetings to you in the name of Jesus!  As I reflect upon the chang-
         es that have occurred with the coming of Covid-19, our lives have
         changed immensely.  Yet, the presence of Christ and his promises,
         remain unchanged.  In all circumstances the love of God in Christ
         Jesus will sustain us in his grace.

         The first time I set up the computer/camera to record the service in the sanctuary, it took a

         few times of “starting and stopping” before even getting to the opening hymn.  The strange-
         ness of not having any people seated before me, left me with a “virtual reality” emptiness.
         When it came time for the reading of scriptures, that emptiness gave way to the truth that
         God does speak through the Word as promised.   Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians (1) 1:14
         were words of encouragement:  “For we know, brothers and sisters beloved by God, that God
         has chosen you.”

         I look forward to ministry with you.  Getting to know you by name (with masks on) and in the
         future without the need for masks.  It is Christ who brings us together as members of his
         body, the church.  Now, however, it is essential that we do not rush into the sanctuary for
         worship.  The guidelines from the CDC, State and County, will announce the time when it is
         safe.  The congregation task force for “re-entry” will assist in making that determination.  Let
         us be “care- filled” and “careful” as we seek to love one another in our gathering.

         I sincerely appreciate such a warm greeting upon my arrival to Trinity.  A special thanks to
         Sharon, Shannon and Maureen for all their help and guidance.

         In 2018 I retired from full-time ministry having spent 38 years in Illinois parishes.  I have
         agreed to serve this congregation through January of 2021 on a part-time basis.

         My wife, Vicki, and I reside in Rockford.  It is a 45- minute drive each way.  I will be in the

         office most Thursdays and available to meet with you on that day.

         Blessings in Christ,

         Pastor Tim  Kenyon

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