Page 9 - November 2020 Traveler
P. 9

Financial Report

         General Fund Offering

                                                           September                    Jan—Sept

                General Fund Offering                      11,149.00                    82,703.70
                General Fund Expenses                       8,388.45                    90,677.47

                Shortage                                                                 7,973.77

         The above general fund income is from offerings & interest earned.

         It does not include the $7,500 loan from the SBA’s Paycheck Protection
         Program.  That is a liability for Trinity until the loan can be forgiven.   The

         government just came out with a form and policy for getting loans below
         $50,000 forgiven.  Trinity’s accountant is working on the form.

         Thank you to Mary Nuss for coming forward to be Trinity’s next Treasurer.

                                                                                             Shannon Brown

          A Virtual Thanksgiving Service, by the Durand Ecumenical Council.

          November 24th at 6:30pm

          Tune in this year for an abbreviated worship service, to center our hearts and minds
          in gratitude for God's great love for us.

          There will be a short meditation, Thanksgiving
          Litanies, and music brought to you by the
          ministers and leaders of

          Saint Mary's Catholic Church
          St Vincent de Paul Society
          Trinity Lutheran Church
          Durand United Methodist Church

                 Links to the service will be provided
                      as the holiday approaches.

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