Page 10 - November 2020 Traveler
P. 10

Thank you to the Garden Team!

         Your hard work this past summer

         is greatly appreciated!

         The CSA boxes were enjoyed by those who

         received them.

                                       More team members

                                       are always welcome.                      Information from office...

                                                                            Announcements for the bulletin
                                                                            are due by Thursday at 10am.

                                                                            Articles for the Traveler are due
                                                                            on the 20   of  the month.  The
                                                                            articles are to be written by the

                                                                            person and/or team who wants
                                                                            the item published.

                            There will be a

                                                                            Team reports for the monthly
                                                                            council meetings are due the
                        issue of the Traveler.                              week before the meeting by noon

                                                                            on Thursday.
                    Articles are due Nov. 20 .
                                                                            Mass emails that need to be sent
                                                                            to Trinity’s members are to be

                                                                            done by the office.

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