Page 5 - November 2020 Traveler
P. 5

A Few Quick Notes From Council

          Pastor Kenyon has provided a Stewardship letter that will be sent out soon along
          with the Time and Talents sheet and Pledge card.

          The Nominating team has presented Karen Butler, Heidi Swanson, and Mike Bolen
          to serve as Council members beginning in Jan. Their names will be on the ballot at
          the annual meeting in January.  The team is still looking for members to serve on the

          next Nominating team.

          Al-Anon and DEC are also using the church basement for meetings, abiding by
          Trinity Re-entry Guidelines.

          Larry Judd and Don Witte are appealing Trinity’s insurance company’s rejection of
          the roof damage claim from the spring hailstorm.

          The heat in the sanctuary, narthex, and office areas will be set at 55 degrees unless
          users need more heat.

          Scott Jones’s resignation from Council was regretfully accepted.

          Mary Nuss was approved as the new Treasurer.

          The Nov. meeting is scheduled for the 17  to avoid any holiday issues.

          Pastor Kenyon and Pastor Nicole from the Methodist church are working on a com-
          bined zoom, Facebook, or video Thanksgiving service.

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