Page 8 - November 2020 Traveler
P. 8

Scrip Program

         This gift card fundraising program will
         take orders in November and Decem-
         ber because you enjoy using this for
         Christmas shopping.  Orders will be
         due on November 8  and December
         6 .  You order can be dropped off at
         church in the mailbox that is on front
         of the building or in Shannon’s church
         mailbox inside.

         This fundraiser gives Trinity’s youth a
         percentage of every card sold.  Money
         is split between youth group activity
         expenses and the National Youth

         These gift cards are a great way to
         shop for gifts without going in a store,
         paying for purchases while there is
         a coin shortage and using them in                                DON’T FORGET TO
         those self-check registers that won’t
         take cash.                                                        SHARE AND LIKE

         Order forms are available…                              TRINITY’S POSTS ON FACEBOOK

               in the narthex at Trinity and on                           More people see the

           Trinity’s website using the link below                        post every time you do!

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