Page 14 - 2021 AGD ADVOCACY
P. 14

Workplace Cleaning Tax Credit for COVID-19

           • AGD began working with a coalition of
               stakeholders in late 2020 to create a
               temporary tax credit available to

               businesses and other organizations to help
               them cover COVID-19-related workplace
               safety expenses

           • The Healthy Workplaces Tax Credit Act
               (S.537/H.R.1944), bipartisan legislation to

               create such a tax credit, was introduced in
               March in both the House and Senate

           • Qualified expenses include cleaning,
               disinfecting, and air filtration solutions;
               personal protective equipment (PPE);

               physical distancing and safety
               technologies, plexiglass, and other
               modifications; as well as employee
               training and certification

           • Working to have language included in

               pending legislative packages
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