Page 24 - 2021 AGD ADVOCACY
P. 24
Medicare Dental Expansion
• AGD Legislative and Government Affairs Council established the
Subcommittee on Medicare at their May 2021 meeting
• Subcommittee developed talking points that were used by AGD members
during Virtual Hill Day meetings in July
• Weekly coalition call with ADA, AAOMS, NADP, Delta Dental, and AHIP to
exchange information on pending Medicare dental expansion issue and
determine opportunities for collaboration
• Direct engagement with House and Senate Committees of jurisdiction to
communicate opposition to the expansion of Medicare to include dental
• Sent AGD position letter to all members of Congress
• Signed-on to Organized Dentistry Coalition (ODC) letter to Congress
opposing expansion
• Broadcast grassroots action alert to AGD membership to have them
contact their members of Congress on expansion issue
• Submitted official statements for the record during House Committee
meetings to advance Medicare dental expansion proposals
• Ongoing communications with identified moderate members of Congress