Page 16 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 16

Tags and Swipes, Contest 2018

        Harmony on the Sound Chorus

        It’s  been  a  busy  winter  and  spring  for  HOTS.    No  rest  for  the  weary,  as  our  3   annual  Bunco
        Like most choruses in our region, Mother Nature   fundraiser night took place on April 27 . It was a
        tried  to  wreak  havoc  on  our  rehearsal  and   fabulous  evening,  with  220  players,  good  food,
        coaching schedule this winter. Unfortunately we   lots of raffles and prizes, and entertainment from
        had to cancel coaching with both Ryan Heller and   HOTS,  our  quartets,  and  Region  1  champions
        Ruth  Ann  Parker.  However,  the  incomparable   Saffron!  We’re  so  fortunate  to  have  a  “Bunco
        Vickie  Maybury  came  for  our  February  retreat   squad” that does an amazing job putting this fun
        weekend,  and  once  again  worked  her  Vickie   and profitable evening together each year.
        magic with our contest set.
                                                        Looking  ahead,  we’re  excited  to  be  hosting  a
        On February 21  we said a bittersweet good-bye   three  week  series  of  visitors’  nights,  where  our
        to  our  last  charter  member,  Chris  Hoinacki,  as   guests will be able to take vocal lessons with our
        she  headed  cross  country  to  the  west  coast.   own Karen Sweeters, beginning May 23 .
        Before leaving, she came and presented us with
        the beautifully framed charter.                 And lastly, we are SOOOO excited to bring back
                                                        the reigning Queens of Harmony from Lustre for
        Region  1  Contest  this  April  was  a  blast,  with   another coaching weekend this June… a hot start
        many  memorable  performances  by  quartets  and   to a HOTS summer!
        choruses  alike.  Thank  you  to  Coastline  Show
        Chorus for being wonderful hosts. HOTS enjoyed                                  Tammy Cook
        every moment of our time in Springfield, and we
        are  so  honored  and  excited  to  be  representing
        Region 1 in New Orleans in 2019!

                                                                      HOTS charter member, Chris Hoinacki

                             Bunco fundraiser fun!


                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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