Page 26 - 2022 All Products Emploee Brochure Book
P. 26
Allstate Benefits Individual Whole Life Insurance (IWL) for Employee with rider (when available for the issue age):
Accelerated Death Benefit for Terminal Illness or Condition (TI)
Death $50,000 $75,000 $100,000 $125,000 $150,000 Death
Benefit Benefit
Issue Biweekly CV @ age 65 Biweekly CV @ age 65 Biweekly CV @ age 65 Biweekly CV @ age 65 Biweekly CV @ age 65 This section intentionally This section intentionally Issue
Age Premium or 10 years¹ Premium or 10 years¹ Premium or 10 years¹ Premium or 10 years¹ Premium or 10 years¹ left blank. left blank. Age
51 $81.54 $12,887 $122.32 $19,331 $163.08 $25,774 $203.86 $32,218 $244.62 $38,661 51
52 86.42 12,139 129.62 18,209 172.82 24,278 216.02 30,348 259.22 36,417 52
53 91.54 11,344 137.32 17,015 183.08 22,687 228.86 28,359 274.62 34,031 53
54 96.96 10,498 145.46 15,746 193.94 20,995 242.42 26,244 290.90 31,493 54
55 102.34 9,598 153.50 14,396 204.66 19,195 255.82 23,994 307.00 28,793 55
56 109.02 9,871 163.54 14,807 218.04 19,742 272.56 24,678 327.06 29,613 56
57 115.60 10,142 173.40 15,213 231.20 20,284 289.00 25,355 346.80 30,426 57
58 122.62 10,414 183.94 15,620 245.24 20,827 306.54 26,034 367.86 31,241 58
59 129.36 10,689 194.02 16,034 258.70 21,378 323.38 26,723 388.04 32,067 59
60 135.64 10,969 203.46 16,453 271.28 21,937 339.10 27,421 406.92 32,906 60
61 143.14 11,253 214.72 16,879 286.28 22,505 357.84 28,131 429.42 33,758 61
62 152.40 11,545 228.58 17,318 304.78 23,090 380.98 28,863 457.16 34,635 62
63 161.52 11,872 242.28 17,808 323.04 23,744 403.80 29,680 484.56 35,616 63
64 171.34 12,292 257.00 18,438 342.66 24,584 428.32 30,730 514.00 36,876 64
65 179.10 12,735 268.66 19,103 358.20 25,470 447.74 31,838 537.30 38,205 65
66 186.88 13,206 280.30 19,808 373.74 26,411 467.18 33,014 560.60 39,617 66
67 200.12 13,709 300.18 20,564 400.24 27,418 500.30 34,273 600.36 41,127 67
68 216.00 14,249 324.00 21,374 432.00 28,498 540.00 35,623 648.00 42,747 68
69 232.04 14,833 348.06 22,250 464.08 29,666 580.10 37,083 696.12 44,499 69
70 248.32 15,454 372.46 23,180 496.62 30,907 620.78 38,634 744.94 46,361 70
71 266.36 16,098 399.52 24,146 532.70 32,195 665.88 40,244 799.04 48,293 71
72 286.52 16,756 429.78 25,133 573.04 33,511 716.30 41,889 859.56 50,267 72
73 308.68 17,418 463.02 26,127 617.36 34,836 771.70 43,545 926.02 52,254 73
74 333.38 18,085 500.06 27,127 666.74 36,169 833.42 45,211 1,000.10 54,254 74
75 361.00 18,791 541.48 28,186 721.96 37,581 902.46 46,976 1,082.96 56,372 75
76 391.90 19,523 587.84 29,285 783.78 39,046 979.72 48,808 1,175.66 58,569 76
77 426.36 20,275 639.52 30,412 852.70 40,549 1,065.88 50,686 1,279.04 60,824 77
78 464.64 21,101 696.96 31,652 929.28 42,202 1,161.60 52,753 1,393.92 63,303 78
79 507.12 22,055 760.68 33,082 1,014.24 44,109 1,267.80 55,136 1,521.36 66,164 79
80 554.16 23,243 831.24 34,865 1,108.32 46,486 1,385.40 58,108 1,662.46 69,729 80
¹ CV @ age 65 or 10 years - Cash Value shown is at attained age 65 or the end of year 10 if later, and assumes all premiums have been paid, no changes have been made to the policy, and there is no policy debt.
This rate insert is part of the approved brochure for applications taken in AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, GU, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS,
MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, OH, OK, OR, PA, PR, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VI, VT, WA, WI, WY, and is not to be used on its own.
EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS: Suicide Exclusion - If a covered person commits suicide, the death benefit may be limited to the premiums paid for that covered person.
Other Exclusions and Limitations - The policy and riders (if included) have other elimination periods, exclusions and limitations that may affect coverage.
Please refer to the policy for details.
Rates shown are based on Tobacco/Non-tobacco, Issue Age Specific rating structure. BIWEEKLY means 26 times per year.
This information is valid as long as information remains current, but in no event later than 12/31/2023. Individual Whole Life Insurance benefits are provided under
form ICC18IWLP, or state variations thereof. Rider benefits are provided under the following form, or state variations thereof: Accelerated Death Benefit for Terminal Allstate Benefits is a marketing
Illness or Condition (ICC18IWLPTI). name used by American Heritage
Life Insurance Company, a
subsidiary of The Allstate
This is underwritten by American Heritage Life Insurance Company (Home Office, Jacksonville, FL).
Corporation. ©2021 Allstate
Details of the insurance, including exclusions, restrictions, and other provisions are included in the policies issued.
Insurance Company.
For additional information, you may contact your Allstate Benefits Representative. or
HO Use Only: MD-8111-TNTS-B_STD_-FALSE-10-FA-50000-
Ratecard generated February 9, 2022 - 1:11 PM by IWL rate generator version: 2.43769.