Page 23 - 2022 All Products Emploee Brochure Book
P. 23
Allstate Benefits Individual Whole Life Insurance (IWL) for Employee with rider (when available for the issue age): Allstate Benefits Individual Whole Life Insurance (IWL) for Employee with rider (when available for the issue age):
Accelerated Death Benefit for Terminal Illness or Condition (TI)
N O N - T O B A C C O P R E M I U M R A T E S A N D V A L U E S N O N - T O B A C C O P R E M I U M R A T E S A N D V A L U E S
Death $50,000 $75,000 $100,000 $125,000 $150,000 Death
Benefit Benefit
Issue Biweekly CV @ age 65 Biweekly CV @ age 65 Biweekly CV @ age 65 Biweekly CV @ age 65 Biweekly CV @ age 65 This section intentionally This section intentionally Issue
Age Premium or 10 years¹ Premium or 10 years¹ Premium or 10 years¹ Premium or 10 years¹ Premium or 10 years¹ left blank. left blank. Age
18 $11.74 $19,758 $17.60 $29,636 $23.46 $39,515 $29.34 $49,394 $35.20 $59,273 18
19 10.78 19,641 16.16 29,462 21.54 39,282 26.92 49,103 32.32 58,923 19
20 11.08 19,520 16.62 29,279 22.16 39,039 27.70 48,799 33.24 58,559 20
21 11.46 19,392 17.20 29,088 22.94 38,784 28.66 48,480 34.40 58,176 21
22 11.92 19,259 17.90 28,889 23.86 38,518 29.82 48,148 35.78 57,777 22
23 12.42 19,119 18.62 28,679 24.82 38,238 31.02 47,798 37.22 57,357 23
24 13.00 18,973 19.48 28,459 25.96 37,945 32.46 47,431 38.96 56,918 24
25 13.58 18,819 20.38 28,229 27.16 37,638 33.94 47,048 40.74 56,457 25
26 14.20 18,658 21.30 27,986 28.40 37,315 35.50 46,644 42.58 55,973 26
27 14.86 18,488 22.28 27,732 29.70 36,976 37.12 46,220 44.54 55,464 27
28 15.46 18,310 23.20 27,464 30.94 36,619 38.66 45,774 46.40 54,929 28
29 16.18 18,124 24.26 27,185 32.36 36,247 40.44 45,309 48.52 54,371 29
30 16.96 17,928 25.42 26,891 33.90 35,855 42.36 44,819 50.84 53,783 30
31 17.76 17,723 26.64 26,584 35.50 35,445 44.38 44,306 53.26 53,168 31
32 18.64 17,508 27.96 26,261 37.28 35,015 46.60 43,769 55.92 52,523 32
33 19.66 17,283 29.50 25,924 39.32 34,565 49.14 43,206 58.96 51,848 33
34 21.16 17,049 31.74 25,573 42.32 34,097 52.90 42,621 63.46 51,146 34
35 22.66 16,806 34.00 25,208 45.32 33,611 56.64 42,014 67.96 50,417 35
36 23.44 16,553 35.18 24,829 46.90 33,105 58.62 41,381 70.34 49,658 36
37 24.22 16,289 36.32 24,434 48.44 32,578 60.54 40,723 72.64 48,867 37
38 25.52 16,015 38.28 24,023 51.04 32,030 63.80 40,038 76.56 48,045 38
39 26.82 15,728 40.22 23,591 53.62 31,455 67.02 39,319 80.44 47,183 39
40 28.16 15,426 42.24 23,138 56.32 30,851 70.40 38,564 84.46 46,277 40
41 29.64 15,107 44.46 22,661 59.28 30,214 74.10 37,768 88.92 45,321 41
42 31.42 14,771 47.12 22,156 62.82 29,541 78.52 36,926 94.22 44,312 42
43 33.30 14,415 49.94 21,623 66.58 28,830 83.22 36,038 99.88 43,245 43
44 35.26 14,039 52.88 21,058 70.50 28,077 88.14 35,096 105.76 42,116 44
45 37.06 13,640 55.60 20,459 74.12 27,279 92.66 34,099 111.18 40,919 45
46 39.32 13,217 58.96 19,825 78.62 26,433 98.28 33,041 117.94 39,650 46
47 41.82 12,768 62.72 19,152 83.62 25,536 104.52 31,920 125.44 38,304 47
48 44.50 12,293 66.76 18,440 89.00 24,586 111.26 30,733 133.50 36,879 48
49 47.30 11,789 70.94 17,684 94.58 23,578 118.24 29,473 141.88 35,367 49
50 50.24 11,255 75.36 16,882 100.48 22,509 125.58 28,136 150.70 33,764 50
¹ CV @ age 65 or 10 years - Cash Value shown is at attained age 65 or the end of year 10 if later, and assumes all premiums have been paid, no changes have been made to the policy, and there is no policy debt.
This rate insert is part of the approved brochure for applications taken in AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, GU, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS,
MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, OH, OK, OR, PA, PR, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VI, VT, WA, WI, WY, and is not to be used on its own.
EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS: Suicide Exclusion - If a covered person commits suicide, the death benefit may be limited to the premiums paid for that covered person.
Other Exclusions and Limitations - The policy and riders (if included) have other elimination periods, exclusions and limitations that may affect coverage.
Please refer to the policy for details.
Rates shown are based on Tobacco/Non-tobacco, Issue Age Specific rating structure. BIWEEKLY means 26 times per year.
This information is valid as long as information remains current, but in no event later than 12/31/2023. Individual Whole Life Insurance benefits are provided under
form ICC18IWLP, or state variations thereof. Rider benefits are provided under the following form, or state variations thereof: Accelerated Death Benefit for Terminal Allstate Benefits is a marketing
Illness or Condition (ICC18IWLPTI). name used by American Heritage
Life Insurance Company, a
subsidiary of The Allstate
This is underwritten by American Heritage Life Insurance Company (Home Office, Jacksonville, FL).
Corporation. ©2021 Allstate
Details of the insurance, including exclusions, restrictions, and other provisions are included in the policies issued. Insurance Company.
For additional information, you may contact your Allstate Benefits Representative. or
HO Use Only: MD-8111-TNTS-B_STD_-FALSE-10-FA-50000-
Ratecard generated February 9, 2022 - 1:11 PM by IWL rate generator version: 2.43769.