Page 20 - 2022 All Products Emploee Brochure Book
P. 20
Allstate Benefits Individual Whole Life Insurance (IWL) for Employee with rider (when available for the issue age):
Accelerated Death Benefit for Terminal Illness or Condition (TI)
N O N - T O B A C C O P R E M I U M R A T E S A N D V A L U E S
Death $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 $35,000 $40,000 Death
Benefit Benefit
Issue Biweekly CV @ age 65 Biweekly CV @ age 65 Biweekly CV @ age 65 Biweekly CV @ age 65 Biweekly CV @ age 65 Biweekly CV @ age 65 Biweekly CV @ age 65 Issue
Age Premium or 10 years¹ Premium or 10 years¹ Premium or 10 years¹ Premium or 10 years¹ Premium or 10 years¹ Premium or 10 years¹ Premium or 10 years¹ Age
51 $10.68 $2,138 $16.02 $3,207 $21.36 $4,275 $26.68 $5,344 $32.02 $6,413 $37.36 $7,482 $42.70 $8,551 51
52 11.48 2,018 17.22 3,026 22.96 4,035 28.70 5,044 34.42 6,053 40.16 7,062 45.90 8,070 52
53 12.28 1,891 18.42 2,836 24.58 3,781 30.70 4,726 36.86 5,672 43.00 6,617 49.12 7,562 53
54 13.12 1,756 19.68 2,634 26.24 3,512 32.80 4,390 39.36 5,268 45.92 6,146 52.48 7,024 54
55 14.14 1,613 21.20 2,420 28.26 3,227 35.32 4,034 42.40 4,840 49.46 5,647 56.52 6,454 55
56 15.22 1,686 22.82 2,530 30.42 3,373 38.02 4,216 45.62 5,059 53.22 5,902 60.82 6,746 56
57 16.30 1,763 24.46 2,645 32.60 3,526 40.76 4,408 48.90 5,289 57.06 6,171 65.20 7,052 57
58 17.50 1,843 26.26 2,765 35.00 3,687 43.74 4,608 52.50 5,530 61.24 6,452 70.00 7,373 58
59 18.64 1,928 27.96 2,891 37.28 3,855 46.60 4,819 55.92 5,783 65.24 6,747 74.56 7,710 59
60 19.86 2,016 29.78 3,024 39.70 4,032 49.62 5,040 59.54 6,048 69.46 7,056 79.40 8,064 60
61 21.44 2,108 32.16 3,162 42.88 4,217 53.58 5,271 64.30 6,325 75.02 7,379 85.72 8,433 61
62 22.82 2,205 34.22 3,307 45.62 4,410 57.02 5,512 68.44 6,614 79.84 7,717 91.24 8,819 62
63 25.00 2,305 37.48 3,458 49.98 4,611 62.46 5,764 74.96 6,916 87.46 8,069 99.94 9,222 63
64 25.08 2,410 37.62 3,615 50.14 4,820 62.68 6,025 75.22 7,230 87.76 8,435 100.28 9,640 64
65 25.16 2,519 37.74 3,778 50.30 5,037 62.88 6,297 75.46 7,556 88.04 8,815 100.60 10,074 65
66 29.30 2,631 43.94 3,946 58.58 5,262 73.24 6,577 87.88 7,893 102.52 9,208 117.16 10,524 66
67 31.60 2,747 47.40 4,120 63.20 5,494 79.00 6,867 94.80 8,241 110.60 9,614 126.40 10,988 67
68 36.28 2,867 54.42 4,300 72.54 5,733 90.68 7,166 108.82 8,600 126.94 10,033 145.08 11,466 68
69 37.38 2,989 56.08 4,484 74.76 5,979 93.46 7,473 112.16 8,968 130.84 10,463 149.54 11,957 69
70 40.30 3,133 60.44 4,699 80.58 6,266 100.72 7,832 120.88 9,398 141.02 10,965 161.16 12,531 70
71 43.54 3,280 65.32 4,920 87.10 6,561 108.86 8,201 130.64 9,841 152.40 11,481 174.18 13,121 71
72 47.08 3,432 70.62 5,148 94.14 6,865 117.68 8,581 141.22 10,297 164.74 12,013 188.28 13,729 72
73 51.06 3,592 76.58 5,388 102.10 7,184 127.62 8,980 153.14 10,776 178.66 12,572 204.20 14,368 73
74 55.46 3,761 83.20 5,641 110.92 7,522 138.64 9,402 166.36 11,283 194.10 13,163 221.82 15,044 74
75 60.38 3,934 90.56 5,901 120.76 7,868 150.94 9,835 181.12 11,802 211.32 13,769 241.50 15,736 75
76 65.92 4,112 98.86 6,168 131.82 8,224 164.78 10,280 197.74 12,336 230.68 14,392 263.64 16,448 76
77 72.14 4,303 108.20 6,455 144.28 8,607 180.34 10,758 216.40 12,910 252.46 15,062 288.52 17,213 77
78 79.12 4,513 118.68 6,769 158.24 9,025 197.78 11,282 237.34 13,538 276.90 15,794 316.46 18,051 78
79 86.96 4,749 130.42 7,123 173.90 9,497 217.36 11,872 260.84 14,246 304.30 16,620 347.78 18,995 79
80 95.72 5,028 143.58 7,541 191.44 10,055 239.30 12,569 287.16 15,083 335.02 17,597 382.86 20,110 80
¹ CV @ age 65 or 10 years - Cash Value shown is at attained age 65 or the end of year 10 if later, and assumes all premiums have been paid, no changes have been made to the policy, and there is no policy debt.
This rate insert is part of the approved brochure for applications taken in AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, GU, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS,
MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, OH, OK, OR, PA, PR, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VI, VT, WA, WI, WY, and is not to be used on its own.
EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS: Suicide Exclusion - If a covered person commits suicide, the death benefit may be limited to the premiums paid for that covered person.
Other Exclusions and Limitations - The policy and riders (if included) have other elimination periods, exclusions and limitations that may affect coverage.
Please refer to the policy for details.
Rates shown are based on Tobacco/Non-tobacco, Issue Age Specific rating structure. BIWEEKLY means 26 times per year.
This information is valid as long as information remains current, but in no event later than 12/31/2023. Individual Whole Life Insurance benefits are provided under
form ICC18IWLP, or state variations thereof. Rider benefits are provided under the following form, or state variations thereof: Accelerated Death Benefit for Terminal Allstate Benefits is a marketing
Illness or Condition (ICC18IWLPTI). name used by American Heritage
Life Insurance Company, a
subsidiary of The Allstate
This is underwritten by American Heritage Life Insurance Company (Home Office, Jacksonville, FL).
Corporation. ©2021 Allstate
Details of the insurance, including exclusions, restrictions, and other provisions are included in the policies issued. Insurance Company.
For additional information, you may contact your Allstate Benefits Representative. or
HO Use Only: MD-8111-TNTS-B_STD_-FALSE-10-FA-10000-
Ratecard generated February 9, 2022 - 1:10 PM by IWL rate generator version: 2.43769.