Page 21 - 2022 All Products Emploee Brochure Book
P. 21

Allstate Benefits Individual Whole Life Insurance (IWL) for Employee with rider (when available for the issue age):                                                 Allstate Benefits Individual Whole Life Insurance (IWL) for Employee with rider (when available for the issue age):

                                                                                          Accelerated Death Benefit for Terminal Illness or Condition (TI)

                                                                                                 T O B A C C O   P R E M I U M   R A T E S   A N D   V A L U E S                                                                                                     T O B A C C O   P R E M I U M   R A T E S   A N D   V A L U E S

                                        Death         $10,000              $15,000              $20,000               $25,000              $30,000              $35,000               $40,000        Death
                                        Benefit                                                                                                                                                     Benefit

                                         Issue     Biweekly  CV @ age 65  Biweekly  CV @ age 65  Biweekly  CV @ age 65  Biweekly  CV @ age 65  Biweekly  CV @ age 65  Biweekly  CV @ age 65  Biweekly  CV @ age 65 Issue
                                         Age       Premium  or 10 years¹  Premium  or 10 years¹  Premium  or 10 years¹  Premium  or 10 years¹  Premium  or 10 years¹  Premium  or 10 years¹  Premium  or 10 years¹  Age

                                          19        $3.60     $4,779     $5.38     $7,169      $7.18    $9,558      $8.98    $11,948    $10.78    $14,338     $12.56   $16,727     $14.36    $19,117  19
                                          20         3.62      4,751      5.42      7,126       7.24     9,501       9.04     11,876     10.84     14,252      12.64    16,627      14.46     19,002  20
                                          21         3.78      4,720      5.68      7,080       7.56     9,441       9.46     11,801     11.36     14,161      13.24    16,521      15.14     18,881  21
                                          22         3.96      4,689      5.94      7,033       7.92     9,377       9.90     11,722     11.86     14,066      13.84    16,410      15.82     18,754  22
                                          23         4.14      4,655      6.22      6,983       8.28     9,311      10.34     11,639     12.42     13,966      14.48    16,294      16.54     18,622  23
                                          24         4.32      4,621      6.48      6,931       8.64     9,241      10.80     11,552     12.96     13,862      15.12    16,172      17.28     18,483  24
                                          25         4.54      4,584      6.80      6,876       9.06     9,169      11.34     11,461     13.60     13,753      15.86    16,045      18.14     18,337  25
                                          26         4.74      4,546      7.10      6,819       9.46     9,092      11.82     11,365     14.20     13,638      16.56    15,911      18.92     18,184  26
                                          27         4.94      4,506      7.42      6,759       9.88     9,012      12.34     11,265     14.82     13,518      17.28    15,771      19.74     18,024  27
                                          28         5.16      4,464      7.74      6,695      10.30     8,927      12.88     11,159     15.46     13,391      18.04    15,622      20.60     17,854  28
                                          29         5.36      4,419      8.04      6,628      10.72     8,838      13.40     11,047     16.08     13,257      18.76    15,466      21.44     17,676  29
                                          30         5.56      4,372      8.32      6,558      11.10     8,744      13.86     10,930     16.64     13,116      19.40    15,302      22.18     17,488  30
                                          31         5.82      4,323      8.72      6,484      11.62     8,645      14.52     10,806     17.44     12,968      20.34    15,129      23.24     17,290  31
                                          32         6.10      4,271      9.14      6,406      12.18     8,541      15.22     10,676     18.28     12,812      21.32    14,947      24.36     17,082  32
                                          33         6.40      4,216      9.60      6,324      12.80     8,432      16.00     10,540     19.20     12,647      22.40    14,755      25.60     16,863  33
                                          34         6.74      4,159     10.10      6,238      13.46     8,317      16.82     10,397     20.18     12,476      23.54    14,555      26.90     16,634  34
                                          35         7.04      4,099     10.54      6,148      14.06     8,197      17.58     10,247     21.10     12,296      24.60    14,345      28.12     16,395  35
                                          36         7.36      4,036     11.04      6,054      14.70     8,072      18.38     10,090     22.06     12,108      25.74    14,126      29.40     16,144  36
                                          37         7.76      3,971     11.64      5,956      15.50     7,941      19.38      9,926     23.26     11,912      27.14    13,897      31.00     15,882  37
                                          38         8.18      3,902     12.26      5,853      16.36     7,804      20.44      9,755     24.52     11,706      28.62    13,657      32.70     15,608  38
                                          39         8.60      3,830     12.90      5,746      17.20     7,661      21.48      9,576     25.78     11,491      30.08    13,406      34.38     15,322  39
                                          40         8.98      3,755     13.48      5,633      17.96     7,510      22.46      9,388     26.94     11,265      31.42    13,143      35.92     15,020  40
                                          41         9.50      3,676     14.24      5,514      18.98     7,352      23.74      9,190     28.48     11,027      33.22    12,865      37.96     14,703  41
                                          42        10.04      3,592     15.04      5,388      20.06     7,184      25.06      8,981     30.08     10,777      35.08    12,573      40.10     14,369  42
                                          43        10.60      3,504     15.88      5,256      21.18     7,008      26.46      8,760     31.76     10,512      37.06    12,264      42.34     14,016  43
                                          44        11.20      3,410     16.78      5,116      22.36     6,821      27.96      8,526     33.56     10,231      39.14    11,936      44.74     13,642  44
                                          45        11.74      3,311     17.62      4,967      23.50     6,622      29.36      8,278     35.24      9,933      41.10    11,589      46.98     13,244  45
                                          46        12.38      3,206     18.56      4,809      24.74     6,412      30.92      8,015     37.10      9,617      43.28    11,220      49.48     12,823  46
                                          47        13.08      3,094     19.60      4,641      26.14     6,189      32.68      7,736     39.20      9,283      45.74    10,830      52.26     12,377  47
                                          48        13.82      2,976     20.72      4,464      27.64     5,953      34.54      7,441     41.44      8,929      48.34    10,417      55.26     11,905  48
                                          49        14.58      2,851     21.86      4,277      29.14     5,702      36.44      7,128     43.72      8,554      51.00     9,979      58.28     11,405  49
                                          50        15.40      2,718     23.08      4,078      30.76     5,437      38.46      6,796     46.16      8,155      53.84     9,514      61.54     10,874  50
                                       ¹ CV @ age 65 or 10 years - Cash Value shown is at attained age 65 or the end of year 10 if later, and assumes all premiums have been paid, no changes have been made to the policy, and there is no policy debt.
                                       This rate insert is part of the approved brochure for applications taken in AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, GU, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS,
                                       MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, OH, OK, OR, PA, PR, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VI, VT, WA, WI, WY, and is not to be used on its own.
                                       EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS: Suicide Exclusion - If a covered person commits suicide, the death benefit may be limited to the premiums paid for that covered person.
                                       Other Exclusions and Limitations - The policy and riders (if included) have other elimination periods, exclusions and limitations that may affect coverage.
                                                                    Please refer to the policy for details.
                                       Rates shown are based on Tobacco/Non-tobacco, Issue Age Specific rating structure. BIWEEKLY means 26 times per year.

                                       This information is valid as long as information remains current, but in no event later than 12/31/2023. Individual Whole Life Insurance benefits are provided under
                                       form ICC18IWLP, or state variations thereof. Rider benefits are provided under the following form, or state variations thereof:  Accelerated Death Benefit for Terminal   Allstate Benefits is a marketing
                                       Illness or Condition (ICC18IWLPTI).                                                                                                      name used by American Heritage
                                                                                                                                                                                     Life Insurance Company, a
                                                                                                                                                                                      subsidiary of The Allstate
                                       This is underwritten by American Heritage Life Insurance Company (Home Office, Jacksonville, FL).
                                                                                                                                                                                    Corporation. ©2021 Allstate
                                       Details of the insurance, including exclusions, restrictions, and other provisions are included in the policies issued.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Insurance Company.
                                       For additional information, you may contact your Allstate Benefits Representative.                                                        or

                                                                                                                                                                    HO Use Only: MD-8111-TNTS-B_STD_-FALSE-10-FA-10000-
                                                                                                                                   Ratecard generated February 9, 2022 - 1:10 PM by IWL rate generator version: 2.43769.
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