Page 22 - DPR Rishikesh Legacy_Neat
P. 22
2. The samples need to be taken at minimum 5 different locations in the dumping
ground at various depths.
3. At each location one sample need to be taken at surface i.e. up to 100 mm below
surface, 2nd sample need to be taken at 1m below surface and 3rd sample need to
be taken at 2m below surface of existing dumping ground. (Total 15 numbers of
samples need to be taken)
4. The quantity of each sample should be 10 kg. Sampling methodology was according
to Municipal Solid Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2016 and SWM Manual
as per quarter and coning method.
5. The step-wise activity for waste sampling is given in Table 3-3 below:
Table 3- 3: Parameters and methodologies for Assessment
Step Activity
While collecting the solid waste sample, at a point, from 5 different
points and different depth within the waste heap samples shoul be
Step –I
grabbed each weighing approximately 100 kg.
The 100 kg sample should be then reduced to approximately 12-13 kg
by the method of quartering.
The material should be spread in a rectangle heap and divided into four
Step –II
equal parts.
The diagonally opposite portions should be mixed together while other
two diagonals should be rejected.
The collected portion should be then mixed and spread in a rectangle
The opposite two diagonal parts, which are on the other diagonal side,
should be mixed together and remaining parts discarded.
The above process should be repeated till a sample of 10-12 kg
Step-IV remains. This representative sample should be used for physical and
chemical analysis.
The physical analysis of these samples should be carried out by
Step- V weighing the various constituents separately after manual separation
and results expressed as a percentage of the total weight.
The mixed sample should be first taken and subjected for moisture
determination. The total weight of the sample should be recorded
initially. The whole sample should be then screened through 20x20 mm
sieve to separate the fine fraction of the refuse containing mainly the
earth, small stones and some fine organic fraction.
Step – The coarse fraction of the refuse should be further separated manually
VI into different ingredients e.g. hay & straw, leaves, paper and
cardboard, food & fruit waste (kitchen waste), plastic, metal, glass and
ceramics, stores & bricks, inert fine (<20mm), wood, leather, textile &
rubber etc.
Each fraction should be weighed separately and represented on
percentage basis.