Page 20 - DPR Rishikesh Legacy_Neat
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levels below dumpsite. The average ground level below dumpsite was measured
by taking trial pits at 4 different locations of existing garbage dump. The volume of
legacy waste present at site was measured by inserting the above topographical
and trial pits data into Surfer software. The results of the same are represented into
Annexure-III. The detail mythology of the topographical survey and trial pits is
represented in the below subsection 3.4.1.
With consideration of above waste, we have to consider the generation of
additional inert/disposable waste quantity from existing facility which will be
contributing the Biomining till the execution of the Biomining work to be started.
The present solid waste generation from Rishikesh city is about 57.96 TPD as
discussed with RNN officials (data of the same yet to be received from RNN).
Hence, if we consider the time period of 1 year to start the Biomining work
considering sanction and approval of DPR and tendering process. The projected
additional waste generation quantity to be consider in Biomining work is estimated
to be 57.96 TPD x 365 days = 21156 Tones. The volume of the same will be 26445
cum considering the compacted waste density of 0.8 tonne/cum.
Hence, the total waste quantity to be consider for Biomining work will be 2,71,919
cu.m. The details of the same are given in Table 3-2 below.
Table 3- 2: Quantity estimation for biomining
Sr. No. Particular Quantity Remark
1 Quantification of 2,45,474 cu. m. Volume calculated
existing legacy considering the height of 5
waste dump present m x 5 m grid over entire
at Govind Nagar dumpsite.
Dumpsite operated The average ground levels
by RNN. estimated by trial pits.
2 Projection of 26,445 cu. m. Incorporation of additional
inter/disposable disposable waste
waste generation generation until the
from existing MSW Biomining work to be
collection and started.
processing facilities.
Total 2,71,919 cu. m. Total quantity for Biomining
To estimate the quantity of existing dump at Govind Nagar, a topographic survey is
conducted. The detailed report of the survey is attached as Annexure II. To
quantify daily incoming waste to the site, weighment details of the solid waste
collection and transportation vehicles are taken for 3 days.
Differential GPS (DGPS) survey:
1. Survey was conducted using DGPS Device as per the directions of the Engineer-in-
charge at the Site.