Page 25 - DPR Rishikesh Legacy_Neat
P. 25
N Parameter Unit 1 1 2 (2 m (0.1 m (2 m
o. (0.1 m (2 m (0.1 m BGL) AGL) BGL)
Horticulture NIL 7.68 1.10
13 Kg & % 9.79 Nil 11.37
waste /wood
Decomposed/ 58.72 8.03 69.90
14 Kg & % 27.86 63.96 22.83
inert waste
Density of Solid Waste
The knowledge of the density of a waste i.e. its mass per unit volume (kg/m ) is
essential for the design of all elements of the solid waste management system.
The situation in low – income countries is quite different, as in our country a high initial
density of waste preludes the achievement of high compaction ratio.
Moisture Content
Moisture content of MSW is usually expressed as the weight of moisture per unit
weight of wet material. A typical range of moisture content is 20%–45%, representing
the extremes of waste characteristics in an arid climate and in the wet season of a
region having large precipitation. Moisture content is a critical determinant in the
economic feasibility of incineration processes since energy (i.e., heat) must be
supplied for evaporation of water and in raising the temperature of the water vapour.
Moisture content is generally found to be high in wastes containing a higher proportion
of food wastes.
Calorific value
Calorific value of waste is defined as the amount of heat generated from combustion
of a unit weight of the waste, expressed as kilojoule per kilogram (kJ/kg). The calorific
value is determined experimentally using a bomb calorimeter, in which the heat
generated from the combustion of a dry sample is measured at a constant
temperature of 25°C. Since the test temperature is below the boiling point of water,
the combustion water remains in the liquid state. However, during combustion the
temperature of the combustion gases remains above 100°C, so that the water
resulting from combustion is in the vapour state.
Chemical Characterization of waste:
After physical assessment, the samples were taken in a zip locked bag and brought to
laboratory for analysis. All the analysis is carried out within 24 hours of sample collection.
The parameters selected for chemical analysis is given in Table 3-7.
Table 3- 7: Parameters for Chemical Assessment of legacy waste
Sr. No. Parameter Unit
1 pH -
2 Total Volatile Solids (% by mass) %
3 Total Organic Carbon (% by mass) %
4 C/N Ratio -
5 Total Nitrogen (% by mass) %