Page 30 - DPR Rishikesh Legacy_Neat
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Table 3- 12: Ambient Air Quality Analysis Report
Date of Sampling
Permissible Sample Description &
S. Parameter Unit Limit as per Result
(NAAQS-2009) A1 A2
Sulphur dioxide (24
1 µg/m³ 80 12.39 13.80
Particulate Matter 93.89 146.78
2 µg/m³ 100
(PM10) (24 hr)
Particulate Matter 54.23 93.59
3 µg/m³ 60
(PM2.5) (24 hr)
Ammonia as NH3 (24
4 µg/m³ 400 490.26 629
Carbon monoxide as
5 mg/m³ 2 0.76 1.19
CO (8 hrs)
6 Methane ppm - 406.14 532.4
Table 3- 13: Noise Quality Analysis Report
Date of Sampling
Noise Permissible Limit as per (‘Noise Sample Description &
Levels In Pollution (Regulation and Control) Result
dB(A) Rules, 2000) for Residential Area N1 N2
Day time 55 59.4 64.2
Night 45 48.7 53.9
Table 3- 14: Parameters for Ground Water Quality Modelling
Sr. No. Parameter Unit
1 Total Hardness (as CaCO 3) mg/l
2 Dissolved Solids mg/l
3 pH -
4 Iron mg/l
5 Total Kjeldhal Nitrogen mg/l
6 Nitrate as NO 3 mg/l
7 Arsenic (As) mg/l
8 Nickel (Ni) mg/l
9 Zinc (Zn) mg/l
10 Cadmium (Cd) mg/l
11 Copper (Cu) mg/l
12 Total Chromium (Cr ) mg/l
13 Lead (Pb) mg/l