Page 32 - DPR Rishikesh Legacy_Neat
P. 32
weathering, rain fall most of the biodegradable part is decomposed and transformed into
soil/decomposed organic material. The samples of legacy waste older than one year taken
from the dumpsite will compare with the chemical parameters and standards prescribed
under Fertilizer Control Order (FCO) as given in Schedule II, Section A-I in Solid Waste
Management Rules, 2016. The decomposed organic/compost/Soil materials recovered from
the biomining activity after passing through the 4 mm IS sieve can be utilized as organic
compost by blending/without blending in city compost after maintaining the standard
prescribed under FCO. It is expected to recover 35% of decomposed organic materials/soil
from the Biomining activity.
Hence, it is concluded to consider 65 % of the material will be earth, soil, stone, construction
demolition (C&D), inert, recyclables and RDF, which will be segregated and utilized as
1. Earth, soil, stone, construction demolition (C&D), inert is to be utilized as filler material for
roads, low level areas, earthen embankments etc.
2. Recyclable like glass, metal, hard plastic etc. to be given to the waste pickers or to be sold
to the local recyclers
3. RDF to be baled and store for sale to the Waste to Energy plant, local industrial areas for
boiler and Cement plants, etc.
It is expected to recover 25% of RDF, 5% of recyclable materials and 15% of stone, C&D
waste etc. from the biomining activity. Balance 20 % materials is considered to be not useful
for any utilization and will be filled up in the scientifically designed sanitary landfill at new
proposed site for MSW processing and disposal at Lal pani area.
According to above assumptions the segregated materials quantification can be represented
as below in Table 3-16.
Table 3- 16: Material classification from produced from Biomining activity
Sr. No. Material category Percentage of material End utilization of
recovery recovered materials
1 Recyclables like glass, 5 % Sell to the local
metals, hard plastics recyclers
2 Non-recyclable fraction 25 % sale to the Waste to
of high calorific as raw Energy plant, local
material like plastic, industrial areas for
paper etc as RDF boiler and Cement
plants, etc.
3 Decomposed organic 35% To be used as organic
material compost after
maintaining the
standard prescribed
under FCO
4 Earth, stone, 15% Utilize as filler material
Construction & for roads, low