Page 33 - DPR Rishikesh Legacy_Neat
P. 33
Solid waste dumps which have reached their full capacity or those which will not
receive additional waste after setting up of new and properly designed landfills should
be closed and rehabilitated by examining the following options:
(i). Capping with solid waste cover or solid waste cover enhanced with geomembrane
to enable collection and flaring / utilization of greenhouse gases.
(ii) Reduction of waste by bio mining and waste processing followed by placement of
residues in new landfills.
Closure of municipal solid waste (MSW) dumpsite requires huge logistics depending
on the size of the heap, climatic condition of the place, and the plan for its future use.
The requirement of logistics and time frame increases multi-fold in case site
reclamation is planned.
Dumpsite closure may be carried out through following means, as may be feasible at
the site:
1. The waste has to be placed in a new landfill with liner and cover in accordance
with SWM Rules, 2016.
2. Closure should be by re-grading to a stable slope of minimum 1:3, and top cover
system should be provided to reduce percolation of rainwater. In areas close to
water bodies, creek, and coastal zones, a vertical cutoff wall should be planned at
an appropriate depth.
3. Closure by other means should be with approval from the concerned State
Pollution Control Board (SPCB) and committee.
4. Leachate generation from old and existing dumpsites is the biggest environmental
hazard. However, it is not possible to lay a bottom liner below an existing
dumpsite. One effective way is to stop ingress of rainwater from the top.
5. Provide top cover to prevent rainwater infiltration. Over time, leachate generation
from such covered dumps will be reduced. Ensure the presence of a HDPE liner in
the top cover of the landfill, above the drainage layer.
6. Gas wells have to be sunk into the waste dump, equivalent to the average height
of the landfill from ground level.
7. There should be grading of the existing dumpsite to ensure slope stability.
8. Dumpsite closure should ideally be planned after incoming waste is no longer
accepted. In case fresh waste is allowed at the dumpsite, the waste should be
placed only in select zones.
9. There should be inspection for subsidence, cracks, and fissures in the top cover to
ensure their prompt repair.
10. If vegetation is planned in the top cover, adequate provision for irrigating the
plants should be made.