Page 36 - DPR Rishikesh Legacy_Neat
P. 36


                      Determination of the end-use of dumpsite is essential to decide the measures of
                      closure and post  – closure maintenance. Some of the uses of closed  dumpsites
                      near  urban  centres  include  park,  recreational  area, golf  courses,  vehicle  parking
                      area and sometimes even commercial development.

                      A closure and post closure plan for dumpsite involves following components.

                       -   Plan for vegetative stabilization of the final cover
                       -   Plan for management of surface water runoff with an effective drainage system.
                       -   Plan for periodical inspection and maintenance of landfill dumpsite cover and facilities.

                         4.1.6  OPERATION AFTER CLOSURE

                      The following facilities will be operated routinely after closure:
                       -   Leachate management system
                       -   Surface water management system
                       -   Environmental monitoring system;
                       -   Cover rehabilitation and repair system;

                      The operating mythology will depend on the type of system adopted at the landfill.

                         4.1.7  DUMPSITE CLOSURE MONITORING

                      The objective of an environmental monitoring system is
                       -   To find out whether a closure is performing as designed
                       -   To ensure that the closure is confirming to the regulatory standards.
                       -   In the unsaturated subsurface zone (vadose zone) beneath and around the closure.
                       -   In the ground water (saturated) zone beneath and around the closure and
                       -   In the atmosphere/ local air above and around the closure.
                      The parameters to be regularly monitored are:

                       -   Gas quantity within the landfill
                       -   Long – term movements of the landfill cover
                       -   Quality of pore fluid and pore gas in the vadose zone
                       -   Quality of ground water in the saturated zone
                       -   Air quality above the landfill, at the gas control facilities, at building on or near the landfill
                          and along any preferential migration paths.

                      The frequency of monitoring shall be capable of detecting unusual event and risk in
                      the  initial  phases. This will  give  time  to  identify,  diagnose  the  cause  and  enable
                      early  steps  to  be  taken  for  containment  or  remediation.  Usually  a
                      monthly/bimonthly  monitoring  frequency  is  considered  suitable  during  the
                      operational phase as well as for 3 to 4 years after closure. The frequency can be
                      decreased  to  2  to  3  times  a  year  in  later  years,  if  all  system  performance
                      satisfactorily. Monitoring frequency may have to be increased if concentrations of
                      gases/leachate  are  higher  (Usually  during  monsoon  period)  than  expected  are
                      detected, if control systems are changed or if drainage system gets clogged/non-
                      A monitoring programme must specify:

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