Page 38 - DPR Rishikesh Legacy_Neat
P. 38

Dumpsite closure show significant settlement. Rectification measures must not only
                      re-establish the initial slope of the cover (for proper surface water runoff) but must
                      also ensure that all the components of the landfill cover system continue to perform
                      as originally envisaged. Adequate equipment and funds shall be allocated for post
                      closure  maintenance  work  in  the  form  of  soil filling  re-grading  the  cover  and  re-
                      vegetating the landfill cap.

                      In  areas  where  extensive  erosion  gully  formation  is  observed,  filling  of  cover
                      material, regarding of cover slopes and re-vegetation must be routinely undertaken.

                         4.1.10  SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM

                      The surface water drainage system shall also be inspected 2 to 4 times a year.

                       -   To identify cracks in drains due to settlements
                       -   To delineate clogged drain requiring immediate clean up and
                       -   To  study  the  level  of  deposited  soil  in  the  storm  water  basin  and  initiate  excavation

                         4.1.11  GAS AND LEACHATE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
                      Periodic  inspection  of  the  gas  collection  system  shall  be  undertaken  to  identify
                      broken  pipes,  leaking  gas  (if  any).  Repair  work  for  gas  management  system
                      requires skilled man power and shall be carried out by the agencies operating the
                      gas  treatment  facilities.  One  may  often  have  to  install  new  gas  extraction  if  the
                      damaged / clogged facilities are inaccessible and irreparable.

                         4.1.12  ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING SYSTEM

                      Ground  water  monitoring  wells,  air  quality  monitoring  system  and  vadose  zone
                      monitoring  instruments  shall  be  periodically  inspected  to  check  satisfactory
                      functioning of the systems and to ensure good health of all well caps and sampling
                      Environmental  monitoring  system  shall  be  maintained  during  the  entire  post  –
                      closure  period  as  per  the  requirements  of  the  local  environments  regulatory
                      agencies.  Wherever  possible,  monitoring  instruments  shall  be  periodically
                      recalibrated. Sample devices shall be routinely detoxified and checked for proper
                      functioning of the opening and closing of valves or springs loaded mechanisms.

               4.2 BIOMINING OF OLD DUMPSITE

                      Biomining is a technique to recover/ segregate useful material from waste mound
                      thus  recovering  the  land  for  future  developments.  Biomining  activity  will  involve
                      stabilization  of  waste  dump  by  way  of  spraying  inoculum,  excavation,  sorting  of
                      wastes  into  different  categories  using  sorting  line  (Trommels/  Sieves),  bailing  of
                      materials.  Useful materials are sent to recovery or onward utilization and inerts are
                      disposed off in low-lying areas of the town or in Sanitary Landfill if rejects are found
                      to be not suitable for filling the low lying areas.

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