Page 37 - DPR Rishikesh Legacy_Neat
P. 37

-   A properly selected  offsite testing laboratory capable of measuring the constituents at
                          correct detection levels
                       -   A methodology for acquiring and storing data
                       -   A statistical procedure for analysis of the data
                       -   The following instruments/ equipment shall be used for monitoring
                       -   Ground water samplers for monitoring water in wells
                       -   Leachate samplers for leachate monitoring in the vicinity of closure
                       -   Surface water samplers for collection of sample sedimentation basin
                       -   Down  hole  water  quality  sensors  for  measuring  conductivity,  pH,  DO,  temperature  in
                          ground water wells and sedimentation basins.
                       -   Portable gas monitors for onsite monitoring of gases
                       -   Active and passive air samplers for monitoring ambient air quantity

                      It  is  recommended  that  location  of  each  type  of  instrument/  equipment  shall  be
                      finalized in consultation with an expert on the basis of topography of the area and
                      layout of the dumpsite closure. A minimum of 4 sets of ground water monitoring
                      wells (one up – gradient and three down gradient) for each aquifer are considered

                      Quantitative parameter to be monitored will be;
                       -   Gas quantity;
                       -   Surface water run –off quantity and
                       -   Cover system settlement quantities.
                      Qualitative parameters to be monitored will be:

                       -   Leachate quality within vicinity of dumpsite closure (if observed)
                       -   Groundwater quality (up gradient and down gradient)
                       -   Surface water quality at the exit of dumpsite closure
                       -   Gas quality within  the dumpsite closure
                       -   Air quality above the dumpsite closure and at gas vents
                       -   Air quality at gas control facilities.

                      The  regulatory  limits  for  various  parameters  of  quality  will  be  prescribed  by  the
                      regulatory authorities.

                         4.1.8  PERIODIC INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE
                      Periodic inspection and routine maintenance at a dumpsite closure shall be carried
                      out for a period of 25 year after closure. The following components of a dumpsite
                      closure are inspected visually to confirm that all functional elements are  working
                      satisfactorily. A maintenance schedule with specified reporting formats is drawn up
                      after each inspection.

                         4.1.9  COVER SYSTEM

                      The final cover is inspected 2 to 4 time a year

                       -   To  check  that  vegetation  growth  is  occurring  satisfactorily  and  that  plants  are  not
                          showing stunted growth,
                       -   To detect if any erosion gullies have been formed thereby exposing the barrier layers,
                       -   To earmark depressions that may have developed with time and
                       -   To identify ponding of water on the landfill cover. At least one inspection shall be carried
                          out during or immediately after peak of the monsoon season.
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