Page 40 - DPR Rishikesh Legacy_Neat
P. 40
Figure 4- 1: Flow Sheet for Typical Biomining Activity.
Dumpsite reclamation or mining creates additional space for future land filling needs
and avoids or reduces the cost of acquiring land for dumping of municipal waste.
Further potential for groundwater contamination is reduced through remediation of
unlined open dumpsites. In addition, it also reduces the cover requirements for
existing dumps by reducing the footprint of the landfill.
The process of rehabilitating a dumpsite to a sustainable landfill may be done in a
phased manner depending on the risk posed by the dump and its financial aspects as
well. Dumpsite reclamation involves excavation, screening, and separation of material
from dumpsites into various components such as soil, recyclable materials, and
residues.viz. oversized material, intermediate sized waste and soil or humus.
The biomining process involves multiple machineries and vehicles at different
stages of the process. The required machineries and materials for biomining
activity may include but not limited to: