Page 28 - DPR Rishikesh Legacy_Neat
P. 28

Table 3- 9: Parameters for Leachate Assessment

                           Sr. No.                    Parameter                        Unit
                              1      Suspended Solids                              mg/l
                              2      Dissolved Solids                              mg/l
                              3      pH
                              4      Ammonical Nitrogen                            mg/l
                              5      Total Kjeldhal Nitrogen                       mg/l
                              6      Biochemical Oxygen Demand                     mg/l
                              7      Chemical Oxygen Demand (3 days at 27 C)       mg/l
                              8      Arsenic (As)                                  mg/l
                              9      Nickel (Ni)                                   mg/l
                             10      Zinc (Zn)                                     mg/l
                             11      Cadmium (Cd)                                  mg/l
                             12      Copper (Cu)                                   mg/l
                             13      Total Chromium (Cr)                           mg/l
                             14      Lead (Pb)                                     mg/l
                             15      Mercury (Hg)                                  mg/l
                             16      Cyanide (as CN)                               mg/l
                             17      Chloride (as Cl)                              mg/l
                             18      Fluoride (as F)                               mg/l
                             19      Phenolic compounds (C 6H 5OH)                 mg/l

                                         Table 3- 10: Leachate Analysis of Legacy waste
                                     Date of Sampling

                  S                                    SWM Rules, 2016          Sample Description &
                  .                                  Standards for treated             Result
                          Parameter          Unit          leachate
                  N                                   Mode of Disposal:          LS 1          LS 2
                  o                                   Public Sewer (max)
                   Dissolved    solids
                  1                          mg/l              2100              3236.67         19950
                  2 Suspended solids         mg/l              600                1041           9852
                  3 pH value                                 5.5 to 9.0            8.12           8.34

                   Total      Kjeldahl
                  4                          mg/l                                 106.11        295.70
                   nitrogen (as N)
                   Biochemical  oxygen
                  5 demand                   mg/l              350                567.59       28364.96
                   (3 days at 27°C)
                   Chemical    oxygen
                  6                          mg/l                                1167.88       48905.11
                  7 Cyanide (as CN)          mg/l              2.0                0.039           0.03

                  8 Chloride (as Cl)         mg/l              1000               172.93        6652.19
                  9 Fluoride (as F)          mg/l              1.5                18.29          539.6
                  1 Arsenic (as As)          mg/l              0.2                0.0049          0.53

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