Page 23 - DPR Rishikesh Legacy_Neat
P. 23

Step                                      Activity
                               Part of the organic fraction of the sample should be then oven dried at
                                 1000C  for  24  hours,  pulverized,  passed  through  0.22  mm  pore  size
                   Step  -       sieve, and mixed thoroughly.
                   VII         This  powder  should  be  subjected  to  detailed  chemical  analysis  such
                                 as,  moisture  Content,  volatile  solids,  ash,  calorific  value,  carbon,
                                 hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, potash, C/N ratio.

                                  Figure 3-3: Quartering Method of Solid Waste Sample Analysis

                 3.5.2 QUALITATIVE ASSESSMENT
                      The qualitative  analysis  of  the  solid  waste  sample  mainly  divided  into  physical  and
                      chemical parameters.
                      Physical Characterization of waste:

                      The  physical  characterization  consists  of  the  physical  analysis  and  particle  size
                      analysis.  The  parameters  to  be  covered  under  the  physical  characterization  are  as
                      mentioned in Table 3-4 and Table 3-5.

                      Particle size characterization should be done with screen sieve size 200mm, 100mm,
                      75mm, 35mm, 16mm and 4mm respectively.

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