Page 43 - Microsoft Word - SCI KS2 Y3 Y4 gs.doc
P. 43

Science Y3/Y4 – Forces – overview

                     Week 3
                     Measuring weight

                     Spring balances

                     Week 4
                     Finding the centre of gravity

                     Week 5
                     Using and overcoming forces

                     Week 6
                     Pushes and pulls

                     Week 7
                     Test 1

                     Week 8
                     Introducing friction

                     Friction produces heat and wear

                     Week 9
                     Finding safe shoes for different situations

                     Week 10
                     Pushes and pulls on a bicycle

                     Week 11
                     Overcoming forces
                     Slopes, rollers and levers

                     Week 12
                     Overcoming forces
                     Wheels, gears and pulleys

                     Week 13
                     Test 2

        Learning for Life (Fulfilment)

        The children will recognise that God made invisible forces as well as the visible things we see around
        us. As a result of the study of forces it is hoped that they will appreciate the advantages and

        disadvantages of them in our daily lives.

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